Reference no: EM132369850
Assignment – Dynamic Modelling, Screen
Design and Test Plans
In this assignment you will model the behaviour of portions of a sub-system of the Customer Relationship
Management System (CRMS). In assignment 1 you were given a description of the CRMS. You then identified some sub-systems and provided use cases and domain models for those sub-systems. In this assignment you are expected to choose two of the most complex use cases for the sub-system you worked on in assignment 1 and write the full use case descriptions for them.
You will also create an activity diagram and system sequence diagram for both selected use cases. You will also experience user interface design by submitting screens developed using InVision. Finally you will experience how to write tests/a test plan for the functionality you have modelled.
The purpose of the assignment is to ensure that you know:
1. How to write fully developed use case descriptions;
2. How to model the dynamic aspect of a system using UML (activity and system sequence diagrams);
3. How to develop storyboards to assist analysis;
4. How to develop quality test plans.
Students will complete the assignment in the same groups as those of assignment 1.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:
K1 Explain how models are used to assist in analysing and modifying existing business systems;
K2 Define various roles involved in the processes of system analysis;
K3 Describe techniques used to gather required information for system analysis;
K4 Explain the various stages of the system development life cycle;
S1 Identify appropriate models for given scenarios;
S2 Perform Object Oriented Analysis to construct various object models used to communicate the scope and requirements of the project.
A1 Write integrated reports, using appropriate models, providing detailed analysis of given textual scenarios
Demonstrate an understanding of particular concepts covered in lectures, tutorials, laboratories and reading to provide the details requested. This may require further reading and research beyond the material discussed in class.
Assessment Details
Both the group submission and individual submissions must follow the format of a professional report. As a general guide to how the document should look, think about your target audience, which in this case is another systems analyst and a quality assurance (QA) team who will work with the system. Remember that everyone is busy and overloaded with information, so please include only the most essential information: be brief but clear. The QA team will use the test plans to develop automated system tests.
Further information is given in the Assessable Tasks/Requirements section of this document.
Background – Publicit-e Pty. Ltd. Customer Relationship Management System (CRMS)
As described in Assignment 1.
Assessable Tasks/Requirements
This assignment has group work and individual work components. Please note each student must contribute equally to the group work component. The following sections describe the tasks for the group and individual work.
Task 1 - Group work
You should develop a high level InVision screen design which links to the screen of each member. Share with your lecturer and tutor the link to your team’s InVision screen design. Group mark will be allocated to group report and top level menu/ initial screen and consistency of look and feel across different functions.
The top level design must provide an opportunity to access all group member screens i.e. you need to make sure that users can go to each screen from the top level screen. The purpose of having a common top level screen is to give you the experience of creating screens as a team.
The main part of the group report document is expected to contain the following information:
1. The name of the organisation you are modelling;
2. The name and student ID of each team member and the name of the sub-system they modelled;
3. Snapshot of top levelInVision screen which links to the screen of each team member. To avoid confusion, assume that the system you are designing is available through a web-browser.
Fundamental principles of user-interface design (see your lecture notes and Satzinger, Jackson and Burd (2016), p. 223) should be followed when you design the screen. Your screen may be of any file type and be created in the software of your choice, but it must be possible to load it into and use it in InVision;
4. Link to the top level InVision screen; and
5. Links for each team member’s InVision screens;
Task 2 - Individual work
You need to identify the sub-system you are working on, select two complicated use cases and then provide fully developed use case
descriptions and activity and system sequence diagrams for both. Choose one of the two use
cases and provide an
InVision storyboard and test plan for that use case.
One activity diagram must have at least one decision making, parallelism or loop. If the diagram does not have any of these features, your fully developed use case might be incomplete: you must revisit your use case to ensure that it is complete.
One system sequence diagram must have at least one of the following: a loop, optional or alternate frames. If the diagram does not have any of these features, you must revisit your use case to ensure that it is complete.
The main part of the individual report document is expected to contain the following information:
1. The name of the sub-system you are modelling;
2. The fully developed use case descriptions, activity diagrams, and system sequence diagrams for two of the most complex use cases of the chosen sub-system. Activity and system sequence diagrams may be created in any package e.g. DrawIO, LucidChart or Enterprise Architect but they must comply with the notation from your text, Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World (Satzinger et. al., 2016);
3. Snapshots of all individual screens for the use case chosen by you. The use case chosen by you must be one of the two use cases selected in the previous step, step 2. Fundamental principles of user-interface design (see your lecture notes and Satzinger et. al. (2016), p. 223) should be followed when you design the screens. Your screens may be of any file type and be created in the software of your choice, but it must be possible to load them into and use them in InVision;
4. Link for your InVision screens;
5. The test plan for the use case chosen in step 3 – in other words, the test plan must be for the same use case as for the screen design.
You need to follow best practices as far as modelling, interface design and testing are concerned. Satzinger et. al. (2016) and your lecture slides can help you with this.