Identify appropriate forecast methods

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM132925945

Assignment - Short case study presentation

Case Study:

Consider you start a new role as a demand planner for a frozen pizza factory, focusing on the production of healthy and organic frozen pizza. The company has grown steadily in the last years, as they had managed to win several supermarket chains as their clients. The company is struggling to meet the customer's demand in recent periods. Furthermore, they are thinking about setting up a second production line.

The company has set up a task force with one of the key customers (a big supermarket chain) to improve overall supply chain performance. The overall goal is to set the basis for a more accurate forecast for production planning, improve delivery performance, and generate data to evaluate/develop the supply chain strategy.

The first task of the task force is to establish a collaborative forecast using data from the pizza factory and the supermarket chain. The team has prepared a table with the demand data per quarter for the last four years. The team asked you to
- Identify appropriate forecast methods
- Apply two of them, evaluate the quality of the forecasts and recommend one
- Create a presentation that briefly explains your approach and the results of the demand forecasts

In this assignment your task is to prepare a summary presentation. Please follow the following steps:

1. Read the text carefully, open the data file and type in your matriculation number to generate individual data for this assignment.

2. You were informed that the first team meeting would take place soon, and the team leader asked you to prepare a presentation of max. 5 slides (w/o cover slide) for this meeting and sent it to him until 11.07. at 23:59. This presentation should include the following details:

a. a summary of your evaluation of different forecasting methods (which are suitable and why?) and selection of two methods

b. the results of the application of the two demand forecasting methods, i.e. the forecasts for the following year. The evaluation of the quality of the forecasts.

c. Remark: you may use the smoothing factors from the datasheet (if needed for the selected forecasting approaches.)
Important remarks:

• Type in your matriculation number in the corresponding xls-sheet to generate individual data for this assignment.
• Please remember to check spelling and grammar before submission.

Attachment:- SCM Assignment Data Sheet final.rar

Reference no: EM132925945

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