Identify appropriate biomanufacturing process

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133201114 , Length: 5 Pages

1. Identify a protein of interest that your company will be manufacturing (e.g. a HER2 targeted antibody). The choice of protein is important, so please read ahead to understand the assignments in week 10 and week 12. In choosing a protein, please choose one that is already manufactured by another company in real life (though it will be "new" to your company), one for which there is published literature so you can find details on the production process and please do not choose one of the proteins that we have looked as so far in class.

2. Identify an appropriate model system and expression system in which your protein of interest will be expressed (e.g. CHO cells with double selection procedure)

3. Identify an appropriate biomanufacturing process for your protein using your model and expression system.

4. Write a paper in prose (not outline) of up to five pages in length describing : The upstream and downstream processing steps involved in manufacturing the protein [including: what facilities / equipment are needed, what are the critical steps, how will the product be separated and purified?

5. The protein of Interest in "INSULIN detemir"

Reference no: EM133201114

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