Identify application architecture in use by the organization

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM13860518

Assignment: Business Data Communication and Networks Concepts

There are three parts to this assignment relating to each lecture in Module 1.

Part 1: Layering and the Internet Model

Imagine that a technology organization has been in business for decades, and that the organization developed its own method of computer-to-computer communication. Because this method of communication only occurs within this organization, it is not layered, but rather is designed to operate as quickly and efficiently as possible on the custom hardware by using the least amount of overhead possible. The organization continues to create its own communication hardware and software that works with modern computers, but the CTO of the organization is considering replacing this custom communication solution with the adoption of the Internet Model in use today, along with its technologies. With this scenario in mind, address each of the topics below.

Topic 1: The Advantages of a Layered Model

Identify and describe the advantages that a layered solution would offer the technology organization when compared to its non-layered solution.

Topic 2: The Disadvantages of a Layered Model

Identify and describe the disadvantages of a layered solution when compared to the organization's non-layered solution.

Topic 3: The Layers of the Internet Model

Identify the layers of the Internet Model, and explain what functionality each layer would provide for the organization, if adopted.

Topic 4: Other Advantages

Are there advantages, for the organization, to adopting the Internet Model beyond those mentioned in Topic 1? If so, describe them.

Part 2: Application Architecture

Assume that an organization's employees have each been given a computer to perform their work. Each computer accesses the organization's applications via a powerful mainframe computer in the server room. When an employee types a key, the keystroke is sent to the mainframe, which in turn decides what action to take, and transmits that action back to their computer. Every keystroke is sent to the mainframe, and all decisions are made by the mainframe. Each employee's computer acts only as an input and display device. The CTO is considering switching from its current architecture, to another architecture. With this scenario in mind, address each of the topics below.

Topic 1: Architecture Identification

Identify the application architecture in use by the organization, and explain the basic mechanics of how that architecture works.

Topic 2: Switching to Client-Server

Identify and explain three issues the organization would need to address if it would like to switch from its current architecture to a two-tier, client-server architecture.

Topic 3: Advantages and Disadvantages of Client-Server

Identify the advantages and disadvantages, for the organization, of switching from the organization's current architecture to a client-server architecture.

Part 3: Digital Communication Rates

Imagine that we need to digitally download the text of a paperback book at the rate of 40 pages per minute. The number of lines per page is 25, and the number of characters per line is 65. With this scenario in mind, address each of the topics below.

1. Most of what is needed to calculate the number of bits sent per minute is present in the scenario above, but something is missing. What is it?

2. What are the common values for this missing item, and where do these values come from?

3. Which value would you choose from #2? There is no one provably "correct" answer to this, but do make sure to justify your choice.

4. With your assumption in #3, calculate the bit rate needed, expressed as bits per second, to download the text of the book as described in the scenario. Recall that the bit-rate formula is:

C = b/t

where C is the bit-rate, b is the number bits, and t is the unit of time.

5. Now that you have calculated the bit rate needed to download the book, let us consider how this relates to symbol transmission over a physical circuit. If a physical circuit encodes one bit per symbol, what would the minimum symbol rate need to be to download the book? Make sure to give the value and explain your reasoning.

6. If 256 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (256-QAM) is used on the physical circuit, what would the minimum symbol rate on the circuit need to be to download the book at the given rate of 40 pages per minute? Make sure to give the value and explain your calculations.

7. Lastly, if the bandwidth used on the circuit is tripled, but all other factors including the symbol rate, signal strength, and noise strength are kept equal, what would happen to the supported data rate on the circuit? Make sure to explain your reasoning.

Reference no: EM13860518

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