Identify any threats to compliance with the ifac code

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Reference no: EM13184335

Read the following scenario and identify any threats to compliance with the IFAC Code.

ABC firm is the auditor of Company Ltd and has been for 10 years. During this time, the audit partner responsible has always been John. The other partner in the firm, Robert, has been the review auditor for this assurance engagement. Robert has not been the lead audit partner as his wife's father is the CEO of Company Ltd.

Every year Company Ltd celebrates the end of the audit by throwing an all-expenses paid weekend away for their staff that worked on the audit and for the audit firm. This has led to a good relationship between the auditors and the company that makes the audit less formal. The staff all know each other well and the company believes it is money well spent.

Recently John was approached by the board of Company Ltd with an offer of employment as a director starting in two years time. The only condition was that the audit fees have to be reduced for the current and next year's audit.

Reference no: EM13184335

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