Identify any suitable substantial engineering

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133340304 , Length: word count:2000


(Context: Covid19 Pandemic TIME November 2019 - December 2021).

You will produce a typed professional written report.
(Refer to advice in coursework submission section on style / referencing and similarity),

Identify any suitable substantial Engineering related firm/company/joint venture/contractor or consultant organisation.

Part 1 Introduction
A) Briefly introduce and describe the organisation (who are they and what do they do2)
B) Briefly describe how and why their business and customers were affected by the pandemic.
C) Identify A Key supplier in their supply chain (vital supplier)

Part 2 main Section
A) Identify if and how the chosen organisation had to change their "business model" with respect to their supply chain (up and down stream) because of the pandemic.
B) Identify and describe any Government/State "assistance" that the business and/or supply chain have received3 what has been the effect of this aid (if no aid was necessary, why was this).
C) Describe if and how the supply chain has needed to adapt for the chosen organisation as affected by the factors concerning the pandemic.
D) List the key supply chain related, strategic choices that the organisation has implemented.

Part 3 - Conclusion and Recommendations
A) Conclusion - Was the chosen organisation successful in adapting to the "Pandemic"4
B) Recommendations - With Hindsight, would you have changed the strategic choices of your chosen organisation (and why).

Reference no: EM133340304

Questions Cloud

Managed by companies during different life cycle stages : How are customer segments and their differences recognized and managed by companies during different life cycle stages?
Several species of whales are endangered : Several species of whales are endangered due to hunting (past and present), declining fish populations, etc.
Explain how they compare with other methods : Explain how they compare with other methods that would be used in a different location.
Identify and discuss the base pricing strategy : Identify and discuss the base pricing strategy, give examples of some common approaches that set the base price
Identify any suitable substantial engineering : PROD 1026 Advanced Principles in Supply Chain Management Identify any suitable substantial Engineering related firm/company/joint venture/contractor or consult
How technology can be used to achieve more sales : How technology can be used to achieve more sales for each product or service? - What unique service you would provide to achieve more sales?
What has to occur for inpatient revenue to increase : What has to occur for inpatient revenue to increase? How do readmission rates affect inpatient revenue?
Briefly about situation on the market for selected company : Briefly about the chosen company Briefly about the situation on the market for the selected company Briefly about theoretical models you used or will use
Describe the three main categories of ratios : Describe the 3 main categories of ratios and provide a specific example of a ratio that is used in each category.


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