Identify any referential integrity violations, if any

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13949726

Referential Integrity Check

Question 1 - Given the following data types of some table fields and the simple schema of the relational database they are a part of, inspect its relationships for any referential integrity violations. If any exist, list what they are:

Note: You can assume that cascading updates and deletes are not enabled.

Field data types for each table, with (PK) indicating the primary key field:

Employee Table
Field Name Type
EmployeeID (PK) Long Int
First_Name Text
Last_Name Text
Phone Text

Vehicle Table
Field Name Type
Vehicle_ID (PK) Long Int
Driver_ID Long Int
Model Text

Device Table
Field Name Type
Device_ID (PK) Int
EmployeeID Int
Type Text

Part Table
Field Name Type
Part_ID (PK) Int
Device_ID Long Int
Type Text

Conceptual schema showing inter-table relationships:

The actual schema in MS Access would look as follows:

Question 2 - Given the following data for the Employee and Vehicle tables, identify any referential integrity violations, if any:

EmployeeID First_Name Last_Name Phone
11 Chris Smith 8134567690
12 Pat Malone 9145551234

Vehicle_ID Driver_ID Model
1234 11 Ford F 150
4567 12 Toyota Rav4
2233 11 Pontiac
4993 NULL Chevy
6457 13 VW Jetta

Question 3 - As a user, can you delete the first record in the Employee table above, without violating any referential integrity rules? Explain why?

Attachment:- Referential_Integrity_Check.doc

Reference no: EM13949726

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