Reference no: EM131127045
(1)Identify any logical fallacies contained in this passage:
"Everyone is selfish; everyone is doing what they believe will make them happier. The recognition of that can take most of the sting out of accusations that you're being "selfish." Why should you feel guilty for seeking your own happiness when that's what everyone else is doing, too?"
A. appeal to emotion
B. bandwagon fallacy
C. hasty generalization
D. gambler's fallacy
E. none of the above
(2) Identify the most accurate sentential counterpart to the natural language proposition below:
"Delta advertises a sale and either United lowers fares or American hires pilots."
D = "Delta advertises a sale"; U = "United lowers fares"; A = "American hires pilots"
A. D • (U ∨ A)
B. D ∨ (U • A)
C. D • U ∨ A
D. (D • U) ∨ A
E. D → (U • A)
(3)Identify the causal condition expressed in the following statement:
"Flipping the wall switch to the ‘up' position causes the overhead lights to go on."
A. sufficient
B. necessary
C. none of the above
(4)Identify any logical fallacies contained in this passage:
"Evolution teaches that matter and energy occasionally combine to form life. If we examine a jar of peanut butter, it contains matter and is exposed to energy (heat and light). We don't see life form inside a peanut butter jar. Collectively, people perform this experiment over a billion times per year for a century and no new life has ever evolved."
A. slippery slope
B. bandwagon fallacy
C. false dilemma
D. straw man
E. none of the above
(5) A claim/proposition is:
A. a truth-functional statement
B. can act as support for a conclusion in an argument
C. can be supported by other claims in an argument
D. b and c
E. all of the above
(6)Identify the causal condition expressed in the following statement:
"If someone sees viruses, then that person uses a microscope."
A. sufficient
B. necessary
C. none of the above
(7) Identify the claim(s) from the choices below:
A. Ronald McDonald is the current U.S. president.
B. Neptune is made of green cheese.
C. Obama is the current U.S. president.
D. Patrick Smith is your critical thinking teacher.
E. all of the above.
(8)Appeal to emotion is a fallacy.
A. true
B. false
(9)Which of the following is/are aspects of the formal definition of philosophy:
A. philosophy is an activity of reason
B. philosophy asks fundamental questions
C. philosophy inquires into the nature of reality
D. philosophy inquires into the nature of knowledge and knowing
E. all of the above
(10)Identify the most accurate sentential counterpart to the natural language proposition below:
"If American hires pilots then both Delta is advertising a sale and Southwest is expanding routes."
A = "American hires pilots"; D = "Delta is advertising a sale"; S = "Southwest is expanding routes"
A. (D • S) ∨ A
B. (D → A) • (S → A)
C. (D • S) → A
D. A → (D • S)
E. A ∨ (D • S)
(11)Questions and commands are admissible in an argument.
A. true
B. false
(12)Identify the causal condition expressed in the following statement:
"Air travel allows people to travel long distances in a short amount of time."
A. sufficient
B. necessary
C. none of the above
(13)Identify the most accurate sentential counterpart to the natural language proposition below:
"If either Continental is buying planes or United is lowering fares, then Frontier is improving service."
C = "Continental is buying planes"; U = "United is lowering fares"; F = "Frontier is improving service"
A. F ∨(C ∨ U)
B. F → (C ∨ U)
C. (F → C) • (F → U)
D. (C ∨ U) → F
E. (C → F) ∨ (F → U)
(14) Identify any logical fallacies contained in this passage:
"All atheists hate God."
A. you too
B. appeal to emotion
C. hasty generalization
D. false dilemma
E. none of the above
(15)Identify the most accurate sentential counterpart to the natural language proposition below:
"If either American does not hire pilots or United does not lower fares, then Southwest expands routes."
A = "American hires pilots"; U = "United's lowers fares"; S = "Southwest expands routes"
A. ∼(A ∨ U) → S
B. (∼A •∼U) → S
C. S → (∼A ∨∼U)
D. (S →∼A ∨∼U)
E. (∼A ∨∼U) → S
(16)Identify the most accurate sentential counterpart to the natural language proposition below:
"If either Avis is buying new cars or Thrifty is laying off workers, then Hertz is running a sale and Budget is lowering rates."
A = "Avis is buying new cars"; T = "Thrifty is laying off workers"; H = "Hertz is running a sale'; B = "Budget is lowering rates"
A. (A • T) → (H ∨ B)
B. (H • B) → (A ∨ T)
C. (H • B) ∨ (A ∨ T)
D. (A ∨ T) → (H • B)
E. (H • B) • (A ∨ T)
(17)Which of the following does Cohen argue is/are required to have rights:
A. understand against whom a right is held
B. sentience
C. be an "experiencing subject of a life"
D. a capacity to experience pain and suffering
E. all of the above
(18)Identify any logical fallacies contained in this passage:
"Red has hit on the past 75 roulette wheel spins. So, it is certain that black will hit in the next few spins."
A. appeal to emotion
B. bandwagon fallacy
C. hasty generalization
D. gambler's fallacy
E. none of the above
(19)A deductive argument is valid if and only if it is impossible for a false conclusion to follow from all true premises.
A. true
B. false
(20)Identify the causal condition expressed in the following statement:
"If a person is alive, then they have a persistent heart beat."
A. sufficient
B. necessary
C. none of the above