Identify any considerations you will need to employ to build

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Reference no: EM131639233


Select a current product with which you are familiar, and pitch a new Integrated Marketing Communication plan (IMC) to your client.

Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of 8-10 slides that includes the following components:

Identify any considerations you will need to employ to build and maintain the brand and customer loyalty.

Create a print ad and a video broadcast for the product featuring your new strategy (Youtube TM, video, or power point storyboard is acceptable).

Reference no: EM131639233

Questions Cloud

Create a ppt for each of three patients with special dietary : Create a PowerPoint presentation for each of the three patients with special dietary needs listed below (total of three presentations).
Contrast an antiplatelet drug to an anticoagulant drug : Compare and contrast an antiplatelet drug to an anticoagulant drug
What is the probability that it is either forest or pasture : What is the probability that a randomly chosen acre in Canada is something other than forest or pasture?
Define technology and advancements in medicine : Select a procedure that in the past ten years with technology and advancements in medicine is now considered a routine outpatient procedure
Identify any considerations you will need to employ to build : Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. Identify any considerations you will need to employ to build and maintain the brand and customer loyalty.
Describe what challenges the company might be facing : Describe what challenges the company might be facing, and what do you think the company should do in relation to talent management
How each will play an important role in security services : list the future trends you researched and explain how each will play an important role in security service. Include likelihood of each trend actually occurring.
Discusses the normative cognitive aspects of development : Identifies and discusses the normative cognitive aspects of development for age group. May draw on the work of one or more theorists
Define a major role in hierarchy issues that may arise : An administrator's leadership style can play a major role in hierarchy issues that may arise


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