Identify another ethical code that is implicated by the case

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Reference no: EM133512266

Assignment: Clinical Supervision Report- Ethical Decision-Making Process in a Duty to Warn Case

Include a statement here identifying the purpose of the formal report (This bullet should be 1-2 complete sentences).

I. Identify the Problem

1. Identify the main problem and related concerns (This bullet should be 2-3 complete sentences).

TIPS to consider when writing the "Identify the Problem" bullets:

a. Assume you are currently Joseph's counselor and are practicing in your own state. Identify the main problem and related concerns. This will set the stage for the remainder of this document utilizing the embedded ethical decision-making guide

b. Use the following case:Watson (2005, pp. 16-17) provided a useful case example to be used in this assignment. In 1991, Teresa Hausler and Gad Joseph were romantically involved. At that time, they both received ongoing outpatient psychiatric care at the Philadelphia Center for Human Development (PCHD), which was operated by Albert Einstein Medical Center. Joseph had a long history of violent behavior, which included physical abuse directed towards Teresa. In the spring of 1991, Teresa ended the relationship and moved out of the apartment she shared with Joseph. Teresa called the counselor at 12:15pm to ascertain where Joseph was because she planned to go to their apartment to remove her possessions. She was warned not to go, but she ignored this and was killed at the apartment by Joseph at 12:30pm.

II. Apply Ethical Codes and State Laws

1. Confidentiality is one of the major ethical codes that is implicated by this case. Paraphrase the code followed by the citation. Do not quote the code directly.(This bullet should be 1-2 complete sentences)

2. Identify another ethical code that is implicated by this case. There may be more but select one more here. Paraphrase the code followed by the citation. Do not quote the code directly.(This bullet should be 1-2 complete sentences)

3. Review your state laws and identify one law that impacts this case. If you do not have a duty to warn law in your state, discuss this implication. Paraphrase the law followed by the citation. Do not quote the law directly.(This bullet should be 1-2 complete sentences)

III. Determine the Nature and Dimensions of the Dilemma

1. Select one principle(autonomy, justice, beneficence, autonomy, non-maleficence) that you believe to be a priority in this case, use your professional judgement and tie in resources to support your points. (This bullet should be 1-2 complete sentences)

2. Select another principle(autonomy, justice, beneficence, autonomy, non-maleficence) that you believe to be a priority in this case, use your professional judgement and tie in resources to support your points. (This bullet should be 1-2 complete sentences)

IV. Generate a Potential Course of Action

1. Provide one course of action (solution) possible beyond what was described in the case. Do not worry about judging and eliminating solutions, you will evaluate these in the next step. (This bullet should be 1-2 complete sentences)

2. Provide a second course of action (solution) possible beyond the above. Do not worry about judging and eliminating solutions, you will evaluate these in the next step. (This bullet should be 1-2 complete sentences)

V. Diversity and Inclusion Considerations

1. List 1 diversity consideration (e.g., power, privilege, oppression, discrimination, stigma, cultural practices, cultural identity, etc.) from the client's perspective. (This bullet should be 1-2 complete sentences)

2. List another diversity consideration (e.g., power, privilege, oppression, discrimination, communication, value conflicts, skills, etc.) from your (the counselor's) perspective. (This bullet should be 1-2 complete sentences)

3. List 1 way you as a counselor can address or advocate for diversity considering the first two bullets. (This bullet should be 1-2 complete sentences)

4. List 1 broader institutional or social barriers beyond the counseling relationship that might interfere with the client or client's family wellbeing because of duty to warn. (This bullet should be 1-2 complete sentences)

VI. Consider Consequences and Determine a Course of Action

1. Review the consequences of solution one outlined above. (This bullet should be 1-2 complete sentences)

2. Review the consequences of solution two outlined above. (This bullet should be 1-2 complete sentences)

VII. Evaluate the Selected Course of Action

1. Identify which of the preceding courses of action best fits as a solution to your dilemma and provide a rationale for selecting this course of action. (This bullet should be 2-3 complete sentences)

VIII. Implement the Course of Action

1. How would you evaluate your course of action in terms of anticipated effect and consequences. (This bullet should be 2-3 complete sentences)

Reference no: EM133512266

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