Identify and use appropriate communication strategies

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Reference no: EM133189426

SITXHRM006 - Monitor staff performance

Assessment 1 - Monitor Staff Performance and Provide Feedback
In this assessment you will:
• Consult with hospitality colleagues about expected industry standards
• Identify and use appropriate communication strategies
• Provide hospitality colleagues with guidance
• Provide hospitality colleagues with support to enhance their work performance
• Provide initiatives around recognition of a job well done
• Reward hospitality individuals with rewards for achieving outstanding work performance
There are several parts to this assessment. Please ensure that you complete each part and follow the
assessment instructions.
Group Assessment
As hospitality professionals you are required to gather in small groups read the case study and complete individual performance reviews based on the information you have read and shared.

Part A- Case study (Sheraton Grande Mirage)
Andrew has been offered the position of Food and Beverage Operations Manager at Sheraton Grande Mirage, a five- star resort in Port Douglas, Cairns, Australia. Securing this position is the highlight of his hospitality career.
Andrew worked the last eight years travelling around Australia in positions ranging from Bar Supervisor to Night Audit Manager. He understands the importance of hospitality industry standards and will be using this as his main focus when getting to know his food and beverage team at Sheraton Grande Mirage.
Andrew attends an induction and is ready to hit the ground running the next day. He is excited that he will become the leader of a hospitality team of 88 staff.
As Andrew pulls into the resort's car park the next day he notices a group of resort staff standing around smoking cigarettes in their uniforms. When he confronts them about this, they ignore him and walk in the other direction. Several of the staff hurl abusive words at him, laugh and some of them butt out their cigarettes in the garden bed.
Andrew parks his car and makes his way to the staff entrance of the resort. As he does this he witnesses three (3) kitchen staff dressed in their work uniform making their way to their shift entering through the lobby entrance of the resort.
At this point Andrew feels that there seems to be a lack of industry standards, staff moral and possibly staff training. He is concerned about this and feels that you should address these concerns first thing so that he can set expectations and service standards and pave his place within his new team.
After speaking briefly with the Alison, the General Manager, he leaves her office even more disconnected than he had anticipated. She informs him that the hospitality team has been operating for the last 14 months with little to no directives, since it is very hard to get hospitality professionals in the far North of Australia.
Along with overseeing the general day to day operations of the resort, Alison has tried to offer support when and where required, but in many instances has not been able to maintain control and uphold five-star service expectations.
Alison informs Andrew of the following re-occurring issues:
• Over recent months the F&B team has exceeded budgetary operational costs
• Customer complaints are received weekly due to a decline in customer service standards
• Staff are half-heartedly performing tasks and the level of accuracy in their work has dropped
• Staff personal presentation standards are a hit and miss on most days
• Staff productivity has dropped significantly
• Staff punctuality has become a main concern
• Staff responsiveness to directives and tasks at hand are not being met in a timely manner
• Team morale has decline and there is little to no team interaction
• Excessive food and beverage waste
Alison also informs Andrew that staff morale has dropped significantly which could be the main reason for most of the issues identified. The hospitality team has not been recognised for a job well done, nor have individuals been
rewarded for achieving outstanding work performance, and the workplace culture is at an all-time low.
On hearing this Andrew informs Alison that the challenge has been set and that it is obvious that further coaching and possible on the job training will be required. He informs her that he plans on conducting performance appraisals and additional formal counselling sessions with all staff.
Andrew spends his first day meeting and introducing himself to his new team and indicates to them that he will be expecting them to attend a staff meeting at the end of the week.

Part B- Preparation for meeting report
Analyse the case study and the identified re-occurring issues described in Part A.
In preparation for his meeting with all hospitality staff members at the Sheraton Grande Mirage, Andrew is asking for your assistance. In a 500-word report provide valuable information (addressing the key concerns below) that will assist Andrew in monitoring staff performance and help him provide his new team with guidance, support, and recognition of a job well done.
• Sheraton Grande Mirage Resort is a five-star establishment. What would be the expected industry standard?
• Communicating to a new team can be difficult, describe four (4) appropriate communication strategies that Andrew could use during the meeting.
• Analysing the re-occurring issues what could be some guidance that Andrew could offer in his role as Food and Beverage Operations Manager?
• With low staff morale and a lack of workplace culture, what can Andrew do to support his new team and enhance their work performance?
• The hospitality team at the resort have not celebrated team or individual achievements for some time. Andrew wants to provide initiatives around recognition of a job well done. What could be three (3) workplace team initiatives that could boost team morale and address some of the issues identified?
• Andrew has realised that in his new position he will need to monitor the ongoing performance of all team members and departmental managers. How will he do this?

Part C- Staff performance appraisals
The information in the report that you provided Andrew was a great help and Andrew believes that his introduction to the resort and the staff meeting went well. He ensured the team that the meeting was a safe environment and that staff should feel free to speak their minds and express any concerns they have about their workplace.
Andrew also informed the team that he is planning on conducting one-on-one formal counselling sessions with each staff member over the following months, which he hopes will provide valuable information that will not only benefit the individual, but the team and ultimately his role has Food and Beverage Operations Manager.
The one-on-one sessions will assist Andrew in identifying the need for further coaching and possible on the job training. Not only this but it will be a great way to get to know each team member. The first three (3) staff that Andrew conducted a one-on-one session with were Sally from Housekeeping, Norman from the Culinary Department and Rachel from the cocktail lounge.
Analyse the information obtained by Andrew and complete a staff performance review for each staff member. A resort template has been provided to assist.
Make sure that you submit three (3) performance reviews in total.

Part D
Now that you have assisted Andrew with information to assist his meeting and provided appraisal for three (3) staff. Finally, as a reflection of this you will need to provide a synopsis of no less than 200 words outlining the following:
1. Explain the procedures for conducting a performance appraisal
2. Explain the procedures for conducting formal counselling sessions
3. Describe Four (4) performance appraisal and counselling documents that are used to monitor staff performance
4. Explain the benefits of monitoring staff performance.

Assessment 2 - Recognise and Resolve Performance Problems
In this assessment you will be required to:
Field Trip- Mystery Shopper
In this assessment you have been employed by a local coaching company as a "Mystery Shoppers". You and one of your colleagues will undertake this assessment. You are both required to investigate performance problems either in your own workplace or in a workplace that you are familiar with. If you don't have a workplace you will need to visit a café or restaurant of your choice. You will act professionally at all time. Do not be obvious. It could be a matter of just ordering a coffee and sitting in a quiet part of the café, playing on your iPhone, but observing your surroundings.

Written report
Part 1
• Identify and document at least three (3) performance problems
• Recognise and document at least three (3) outstanding performance attributes

Part 2
• Discuss and agree on possible solutions with your colleague and record your findings.

Part 3
• Explain how you will use this feedback and coaching to address performance problems
• Describe the guidance that you will provide to improve standard of performance
• Describe the feedback, coaching and counselling you will provide the team member

Part 4
• Research and use appropriate templates to conduct a formal counselling session addressing performance issues
• Research and use performance appraisal templates to document a staff appraisal that addressed performance problems

Part 5-Training session
• Develop a training session for the staff member that provides support and guidance on performance issues identified.
• Develop a Performance Improvement Plan that address the performance problems in part 1.
• As part of the presentation provide follow-up outcomes of informal counselling
• Discuss how you will review these outcomes in the staff members workplace.
You are to submit your report as outlined above.

Assessment 3 - Implement Performance Management Systems
In this assessment you will;
• Implement formal performance management systems
• Complete and file performance management records
• Agree on courses of action with colleagues and follow-up in workplace
• Evaluate factors contributing to poor staff performance
• Monitor the performance of individuals and their effect on the team
• Take corrective action to enhance whole of team performance
Scenario- Sheraton Grande Mirage Resort
Remember Andrew, the Food and Beverage Operations Manager at Sheraton Grande Mirage, Port Douglas. Well after a few set backs he has finally conducted performance reviews on all 88 hospitality staff members. Through monitoring their performance, he has identified many issues.
Some issues could not be addressed. Remember Rachel the Cocktail barperson/ supervisor, she tried for a week or so to work with Andrew in reaching operational expectations and goals, but decided it wasn't really for her. She has since moved on and obtained an apprenticeship as a hairstylist at a Cairns hair and beauty salon.
Andrew also got a bit of pushback from staff that were long standing team members. They didn't understand the importance of change and told Andrew that they were happy with things they way they were and didn't think there was anything wrong with their performance.
Other staff embraced the change of management and wanted to be an integral part of the performance appraisal process.
Consequently, Andrew has advertised for several positions and you have applied. Andrew calls you and has asked if he could ask you a few questions regarding the performance review process.
Interview- Andrew discusses the implementation of performance management systems
You are required to provide a dialogue of your telephone interview, as follows:
Andrew- "have you ever been part of the performance review process in any job you have had"?
Andrew- What where the factors that could cause you to contribute poorly to your work performance?
Andrew- What do you know about the performance management system?
Andrew- What are the benefits to an organisation for implementing performance management systems? We have a performance management system at the resort. How could you participate in its success?
Andrew- Have you ever complete and filed performance management records? If yes, explain the process, if not, what do you think is the objective of completing and filing such documents?
Andrew- If you observed a staff member with performance issues, how would you agree with them on the course of action and follow-up in workplace?
Andrew- If I didn't monitor the performance of individuals in my team, what could be the impact or effect on the team as a whole? How could I rectify this?
Andrew- What and when would corrective action need to be taken to enhance a hospitality team's performance
You are to submit your report as outlined above.

Assessment 4 - Written Assessment

1 Describe the role of feedback and coaching has in relation to monitoring hospitality staff performance

2 What are the grievance procedures within your hospitality workplace or one that you are familiar with

3 What are three (3) basic functions of an effective performance appraisal?

4 What actions should the supervisor undertake during a performance appraisal to ensure it remains focused, objective and fair?

5 What are five (5) key principles behind the developmental performance appraisal system?

6 What data should you compile prior to conducting a performance appraisal and how would you obtain it?

7 What is the procedure / steps you would follow when conducting a formal counselling session with a staff member?

8 List five (5) potential solution to staff performance issues including an example of when they may be appropriate

9 Describe the following types of assessment processes along with two (2) pro's and two (2) cons for each.

Peer Assessment

Team Assessment

10 Describe the process you would follow when performing performance appraisal interviews.

11 Describe the process used to give and receive feedback during a performance appraisal.

12 Why is it important to identify the mean average within a team's performance review? Explain how you would identify this.

13 Why is it important to chart data identified within performance reviews? Explain two (2) different ways you could do this.

14 What are Productivity Indicators? What makes an effective Productivity Indicator?

15 List four (4) different Productivity Indicators that would apply within the hospitality industry

16 Describe three (3) reasons that undertaking performance appraisals with your staff is vital

17 List the five (5) key points that should be included on all Training Needs Analysis forms.

18 Describe the following forms of guidance and support you can provide to employees to enhance their performance.
Advice on training and development opportunities

Confirmation of organisational objectives and key performance requirements

Ensuring adequate resources are applied
Opportunity to discuss work challenges

Providing confirmation and corrective feedback

Representing staff interests in other forums

support with difficult interpersonal situations

Attachment:- Monitor staff performance.rar

Reference no: EM133189426

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