Identify and then discussunique safety issues you see

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131624448

Discussion: Transportation Logistics Management

Identify and then discussunique safety (not security) issues you see related to each of the five modes of transportation. It is possible to identify the same considerations for some but not all modes, they all have unique dimensions. Your submission should discuss each mode and start by identifying unique safety considerations. You then should have a separate paragraph addressing safety considerations that might apply to groups of modes, there should be no safety consideration that applies to all modes, that is beyond the scope of the topic.

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Please post more than 2 reply responses of 100 or more words to your classmates or the instructor. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions. Please review the attached rubric for more details on the forum requirements.

Reference no: EM131624448

Questions Cloud

Earnings per share be immediately after the rights offering : What would the earnings per share be immediately after the rights offering? What would the price-earnings ratio be immediately after the rights offering?
Is equal pay a moral or legal issue : Is equal pay a moral or legal issue? How is this issue related to the issue of the "glass ceiling?" Support your response. What would you do, and why?
What will be the change in the firm total monthly profits : What will be the change in the firm's total monthly profits on a present value basis under these conditions?
Describe which of the two risk components is relevant risk : For his portfolio, Jack Cash man randomly selected securities from all those listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
Identify and then discussunique safety issues you see : Identify and then discussunique safety (not security) issues you see related to each of the five modes of transportation.
Discuss conviction for falsifying company accounts : Ms. Avid is currently unavailable for meetings as she has five months still to serve for her last conviction for falsifying company accounts
What is payout ratio : Ralston Gourmet Foods Inc. earned $185 million last year and retained $120 million. What is the payout ratio?
Which portfolios lie on the efficient frontier : Portfolios A through J, which are listed in the following table along with their returns (rp) and risk (measured by the standard deviation, sp).
Discuss competition within intermodal transportation : Discuss competition within intermodal transportation. Points of discussion may include strategies, the impact of regulation/deregulation etc.


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