Identify and select appropriate technologies to protect

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13544396

• Identify and select appropriate technologies to protect against the risks that were identified, and provide an explanation as to why the technology was chosen.

  • Describe where you plan to place these technologies within the network and why.

o The plan should cover all layers of the OSI model.

  • Identify additional software that will be required to monitor the network and protect key assets.
  • Identify any security controls that need to be implemented to assist in mitigating risks.

• Mitigate all of the risks that were identified during the assessment phase.


Reference no: EM13544396

Questions Cloud

Assume all temperatures to be exact : Assume all temperatures to be exact. Ice (initially at 0 ) is added to 0.50L of tea at 18C to make the coldest possible iced tea. If enough ice is added so the final mixture is all liquid, how much liquid is in the pitcher when this condition occurs?
Give a brief description of your product or service idea : Give a brief description of your product or service idea that you are developing for this course so your peers know what it is.
The intensity level of an orchestra : The intensity level of an orchestra is 82 dB. A single violin achieves a level of 70 dB. How does the intensity of the sound of the full orchestra compare with that of the violin’s sound? In other words, find the ratio.
What is the corresponding range in periods : The EEG. Physicians use electroencephalograms (EEGs) to study electrical oscillations in the human brain. What's the corresponding range in periods
Identify and select appropriate technologies to protect : • Identify and select appropriate technologies to protect against the risks that were identified, and provide an explanation as to why the technology was chosen.
Make a marketing plan : You will be creating a Marketing Plan. You have been building pieces of your Marketing Plan each week. This week it is time to put all the pieces together and add the "executive summary".
Find the change in entropy that occurs : After 6.00 kg of water at 77.3 oC is mixed in a perfect thermos with 3.00 kg of ice at 0.0 oC, the mixture is allowed to reach equilibrium. find the change in entropy that occurs
Describe the security vulnerabilities expoited : Describe the security vulnerabilities expoited by the hackers in the 21st century bank heist case study
Explain what is the cu2+ concentration : What is the Cu2+ concentration at 25*C in the cell Zn (s) I Zn2+ (1.0M) II Cu2+ (aq) I Cu(s)? The cell potential is 1.04 V. The standard cell potential is 1.10 V.


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