Identify and run the appropriate statistical test

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131629280

Advanced Data Analysis Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice completing both quantitative and qualitative analysis.  The quantitative portion of this assignment builds on what you did in the first assignment and allows you to practice a couple more tests for assessing the difference between variables when you have more than 2 categories in your independent variable(s).  It also allows you to run analysis on a very basic factorial design.

Many of you will also have gathered qualitative data in your dissertation, so Part 2 of this assignment will give you some basic practice analyzing qualitative data.  This should prepare you for the steps you will need to take with your own data.  If you already have the qualitative portion of your data, feel free to use that instead of the data provided.

You can find the following resources on Canvas for this assignment:

  • Data set needed to complete Part 1
  • Powerpoint/lecture with a flow chart (repeat from Assignment 1)
  • Survey and data set needed to complete Part 2
  • Sample tables

Part 1 - Quantitative Exercise

I conducted an analysis of the course evaluations completed by my MSW students over the last three years to determine what differences exist across professors in my program and what difference might exist across semesters.  In the data set provided, you will see two categorical variables: Professor and Semester.  Select Variable View to see what categories exist in each of these two variables.  The remaining variables are continuous and represent course evaluation responses.  The responses were grouped into 7 categories by the university and are presented with the percentage of respondents who marked "Agree" or "Strongly Agree" to the questions included in each category.  For example, if the number under Rapport is 100, it means that 100% of respondents answered Agree or Strongly Agree to the questions included in the category of Rapport.  

 For this study, you will be answering the following research questions:

RQ1: What differences exist in course evaluation responses between professors in the social work department?

RQ2: What differences exist in course evaluation responses between the three semesters of courses offered in the social work department?

RQ3: How are course evaluation responses impacted by professors in the social work department across the three semesters of their program?

RQ4: Is there an interaction between professor and semester that influences the responses to course evaluations in the social work department?

Directions: Open the data set Course Eval Data.sav in SPSS.  Run descriptive analyses so you can report basic information on the variables included in this study. Using the data complete the analyses identified below, create tables of your results in Word (using APA formatting requirements), and write a brief analysis of your results. Note: I'm not looking for you to complete a multivariate analysis with all of the variables and then just interpret a couple.  When I indicate that you should use 2 groups of questions, I really mean compare between those 2 groups, not the whole set of variables.  One thing that would help you is to run a separate analysis for each point below.

1. Identify and run the appropriate statistical test to compare course evaluation results for two groups of questions (e.g. Rapport, Interest) between professors (Hint: make sure you complete the appropriate post hoc tests to fully interpret your results).  What are the results?

2. Identify and run the appropriate statistical test to compare course evaluation results for two other groups of questions between semesters.  What are the results?

3. Identify and run the appropriate statistical test to assess the overall impact of professor and semester on course evaluation results for another category of questions (Hint: if you do this correctly, it will answer research questions 3 & 4-think main effects and interaction effect). What are the results?

4. After all analysis has taken place, write a paragraph summarizing the results from your analysis addressing each of the four research questions.  Why would it be preferable to complete the analysis requested in number 3 rather than completing multiple bi-variate analyses?

Part 2 - Qualitative Exercise

Directions: Please visit the two links associated with this exercise. One of the links is a Word document which contains the actual survey administered by Dr. Werth several years ago to a sample of university faculty and students enrolled in a nursing program at the bachelor's level. The second link is the corresponding SPSS spreadsheet which contains the exact data that was received after the collection period concluded. This is a brief version and does not include all of the questions, but will give you what you need for this assignment.

Review the qualitative data provided by the participants. The question posted to participants was: The greatest challenge I have with online learning is....

Conduct an analysis on the qualitative results. Develop codes, categories, themes, etc. and share your results in an excel document or a Word document. It is common to analyze qualitative results in Excel as it provides flexibility for sorting and adding the number of responses; however, you are welcome to choose any format that works best for you. Please see the resources folder in this module for an example of what your tables might look like for this portion of the assignment.

Please answer the following questions:

1. What themes emerged from the results?

2. Describe the process you used for analyzing the results?

3. In a table, include all of the codes, corresponding categories/themes, and frequency.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131629280

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the relevance and influence of each art history : Discuss the relevance and influence of each work to history/ art history (via historical context, i.e What was going on in world at that time that influenced)
Define the juvenile justice system : The pendulum swings back and forth at times and yet positive progress is difficult to sustain in the juvenile justice system.
Define judicial review : Define judicial review. Briefly explain who holds this power and how this power was established. What was Chief Justice Marshall's argument in favor.
Identify and run the appropriate statistical test : EDUC 9400-Advanced Data Analysis Assignment. Identify and run the appropriate statistical test to compare course evaluation results for two groups of questions
Find the operating ratio for m-ng grocery : Find the operating ratio for M. Ng's Grocery if the income statement for the month shows net sales, $23,500; cost of goods sold, $16,435; gross profit, $7,065.
Name the nine justices currently on the court : Which court system generates most of the cases accepted by the U.S. Supreme Court-state or federal? Explain your answer.
Explain the iit kent-chicago college of law : Listen to the Supreme Court oral arguments in the case of Scott v. Harris at the Oyez Project at the IIT Kent-Chicago College of Law
How subjects style of artists reflect nineteenth century art : How do the subjects' styles of the artists reflect nineteenth century French society and the innovations of nineteenth century art?



9/6/2017 5:02:38 AM

Here are the supporting documents for the assignment. I am using SPSS version 24. The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice completing both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The quantitative portion of this assignment builds on what you did in the first assignment and allows you to practice a couple more tests for assessing the difference between variables when you have more than 2 categories in your independent variable(s). It also allows you to run analysis on a very basic factorial design.


9/6/2017 5:02:30 AM

After the assignment is due, you will have access to the results I obtained from Part 1 so that you can compare with the results you obtained. Note: I’m not looking for you to complete a multivariate analysis with all of the variables and then just interpret a couple. When I indicate that you should use 2 groups of questions, I really mean compare between those 2 groups, not the whole set of variables.

Write a Review

Applied Statistics Questions & Answers

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Find a statistics study on Unemployment and explain the five-step process of the study.

  Statistical studies

Locate the original poll, summarize the poling procedure (background on how information was gathered), the sample surveyed.

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Evaluate the expected value of the total number of sales

  Statistic project

Identify sample, population, sampling frame (if applicable), and response rate (if applicable). Describe sampling technique (if applicable) or experimental design

  Simple data analysis and comparison

Write a report on simple data analysis and comparison.

  Analyze the processed data in statistical survey

Analyze the processed data in Statistical survey.

  What is the probability

Find the probability of given case.

  Frequency distribution

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