Identify and remove hazards in the workplace

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Reference no: EM133089620

Assessment Task 1:

Question 1: You have just commenced as the new kitchen assistant in a restaurant. A task has been allocated to you to peel, wash and prep all the vegetables for tonight's dinner service. One of the chef's has instructed you on how to wash your hands properly, peel different kinds of vegetables and use a knife safely to cut them into the appropriate size. However, you are finding these new techniques and processes difficult and time-consuming. As you feel that you are unable to finish on time and do not want to be fired on your first day, what action should you take? Choose all correct choices from the following options:

a) Ignore the instructions you were given and use your personal techniques to complete the work in a faster time, thereby impressing the chef
b) Follow the instructions that you feel are ok and ignore the rest to ensure you can finish on time
c) Follow all the instructions and finish on time by ignoring your personal safety and rushing through the process as fast as possible
d) Raise the issue with the chef who allocated you the task and continues to do as much as you can whilst following all instructions carefully

Question 2: What does the term 'personal protective equipment (PPE)' mean? Write your answer in 25-50 words.
Name three (3) types of PPE equipment that may be used in the workplace.

Question 3: You have now been working for a week in the restaurant, and your uniform has arrived. This consists of a heavy-duty apron, long sleeve chef apprentice top and heavy-duty chef apprentice trousers with built in kneepads. During your first week, you have burnt yourself a few times on your arms, ruined several pieces of clothing due to oil/food stains and had to increase your weekly washing quota. Your current duties have involved:

• Frying and deep-frying various foods
• Washing and prepping vegetables and meats of various kinds
• Preparing and monitoring the mise en place and other stocks/sauces
• Washing/cleaning various pieces of heavy and light kitchen equipment
List any three (3) different methods of how you can use your new personal protective equipment/uniform to minimise the issues encountered during your first week. Write your answer in 30-50 words.

Question 4: Based on the scenario in question 3, why is it important to incorporate safe work practices into personal work activities? Write your answer in 50¬80 words.

Question 5: Whilst working in the new restaurant you are asked to collect an item from the cold storage. The item is right at the back of the cold storage in a hard to reach corner. As you are attempting to retrieve it, you notice a few black items on it. After careful examination, the black spots seem to be rodent droppings. Organisational policy states that in such cases, the supervisor needs to be immediately notified, all nearby food must be thrown out and an incident report filed. However, you are aware that someone recently reported an incident of a similar nature and as a result, they were ostracised by their colleagues who felt that they had overreacted to a simple matter.

Based on the situation above, outline what action you should take in 100¬150 words.

Question 6: The restaurant management has noticed that there have been several incidents recently related to WHS/OHS processes and have invited you to join the management team to provide your feedback on these issues.
Outline a strategy that relates to the following issues for the management team to discuss and decide upon a more stringent process. Write your answer in 100-150 words.
• Rodents are entering the cold storage area. Possible causes listed are doors being left open, a few small gaps in the walls for exhaust/air for the facility and bins not being emptied regularly resulting in overflow.
• An increase in the number of oil burns which may be related to failure to properly wear PPE and failure to follow correct processes around handling/using products that are hot.

Question 7: Outline two (2) methods to identify and remove hazards in the workplace according to the organisational health and safety procedures. Write your answer in 50-100 words.

Question 8: 8a Briefly define what workplace safety warning signs are and what purpose- they serve. Write your answer in 30-50 words.
8b Outline the use of each of the four (4) colours and three (3) shapes for warning signs.
8c List three (3) safety directions that you must follow in the workplace in case of an emergency.

Question 9: Define what an emergency situation is in 25-50 words. List five (5) Satisfactory different authorities you may need to contact, for any given emergency response situation.

Question 10: Discuss and outline four (4) indications that can be observed, to recognise an emergency? Write in 120-160 words.

Question 11: Discuss the importance of participating in WHS consultation processes? Write in 50 to 100 words.

Question 12: List three (3) types of emergency incident report documentation that an Satisfactory organisation may utilise to comply with their organisational security and response emergency procedures to ensure a safe workplace.

Question 13: List four (4) WHS issues that you may observe in the workplace that need to be reported to the relevant authority.

Question 14: Briefly describe three (3) basic, key principles of WHS legislation. Write your answer in 50-100 words.

Question 15: Define the terms hazard and hazard management in 50 -100 words each

Question 16: Briefly explain each of the following aspects relating to WHS in 3-6- words for each.
• code of practice
• physical work environment
• workplace facilities
• emergency plans
• remote and isolated work

Question 17: Define Workplace health and safety (WHS). Write your answer in 50 to 100 words.

Question 18: What are the standard reporting procedures of any unsafe work practices, issues and breaches? Write your answer in 100 to 150 words.

Question 19: Define security management and discuss how WHS management procedures play a part in security management? Answer in 50-100 words.

Question 20: Outline five (5) methods that may be appropriate, when formatting and writing incident report templates.

Reference no: EM133089620

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