Reference no: EM133126559
Simulation based assessment task:
In order to undertake various activities related to this task, you must assume the role of a community health nurse. You are at Mrs Meng's home today to provide nursing care as per the agreed nursing care plan provided below. Mrs Meng is a 78 years old Japanese lady who lives with her daughter. The daughter is Mrs Meng's carer at home. Mrs Meng is suffering from vascular dementia and is often confused.
Age: 78 years.
Body built: Thin.
Past medical history: Asthma x 20 years with no severe episodes since 2014, was treated with regular corticosteroids until the age of 65 years. Hypertension x 26 years, Diabetes Mellitus x 20 years. CVA in 2006. Diagnosed with vascular dementia and moderate confusion.
Past surgical history: Total hip replacement (left) in 2005.
Family history: Mother had osteoporosis and underwent total hip replacement. Father died of cancer.
Life style: Alcoholic x 52 years, quit drinking in 2005.
Activities of daily living: Requires assistance with activities of daily living.
Mobility: Ambulates with Zimmer Frame. Stooped posture.
Medications: On anti hypertensive medicines, diabetic medicines and anticoagulants.
Continence: Client is continent of bowel and bladder.
Food and appetite: No issues are noted with regards to chewing or swallowing. Appetite is fair. On diabetic and low cholesterol diet.
Your assessor will alternatively play the role of Mrs Meng and the registered nurse when you demonstrate the following activities in relation to this scenario.
a. Identify and prioritise nursing interventions and perform nursing care to Mrs Meng as per the care plan. You must plan and adjust nursing interventions to assist Mrs Meng to meet her daily living activities.
b. Monitor, evaluate and document Mrs Meng's response to nursing interventions and the progress toward primary health goals.
Submit the completed progress notes as additional evidence.
Note: Assume that the carer informed you that Mrs Meng's blood sugar values and blood pressure were fluctuating from the time the care plan was developed. The carer is worried that Mrs Meng may suffer from hypoglycemia and hypotension as she occasionally complains about dizziness.
c. Report findings in relation to activity (b) to the relevant interdisciplinary health care team.
d. Review and update the care plan for Mrs Meng to address her specific primary health care needs. The progress notes and care plan templates are provided with the procedure checklist for task 2.