Identify and prepare a strategic marketing plan

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133209928

Goal: To apply marketing theory learned in chapters 1-6 to a mock Strategic Marketing Plan.

Assignment: With your group, identify and prepare a Strategic Marketing Plan for a 'new' food launch into the Canadian market.


With your group, select a food product that is either not available or not readily available at Canadian retailers. Prepare each section of the Strategic Marketing Plan per below and present your Strategic Marketing Plan in a mock sales pitch to a panel of 'Retail Buyers' who will determine if they purchaseyour item to sell in their stores based on the strength of your marketplace analysis.

The group will be graded based participation (all group members must contribute to the Project Management, Research and during the Presentation), application of the marketing theory and presentation quality (error free and well rehearsed).

There are no right or wrong answers for your analysis. You are encouraged and invited to make assumptions to support your Strategic Marketing Plan, but please be sure you state yourassumptions clearly.

HINT: Focus on the questions asked. Be clear specific and concise.

This report does not ask you to explain theories only to apply the theories studied.

Answer the following Questions:

PART 1 - Project Management?

You must publish Group Roles and Meeting Times in a group email with Instructor on cc line.

1.1) Meet with your group, determine Group Roles, and submit group roles assignments via blackboard. ?

Contact & Schedule Manager - reports and manages all contacts and meetings

Project Manager - oversees compilation and timeline of group submissions

Presentation Manager - responsible for management and timely creation of PowerPoint

Submission Manager and Editor - Reviews, edits,and ensures accurate sourcing for final presentation and submits final version to blackboard.

1.2) In addition to 3 in class sessions, determine 3 additional times that your group will meet.

HINT: One effective way of doing this is to select a day of the week and regular time you will meet. Ie Monday mornings at 8:00a

Note: All project communication should be conducted via Blackboard /group email - every group member on every email!

PART 2 - Strategic Marketing Plan?

2.1) Select a Product

2.2) ?Describe the item, provide images, and indicate where it can currently be found/purchased

2.3) ?Create a Perceptual Positioning Map for the product to compare the product against a minimum of 3 other products currently in market

2.4) ?Identify the Target Market for the product

2.5)? Prepare a Full Marketing Mix including:

Product: What product are you selling? Think about how the product might need to be changed for 'Canadian' market. Consider: product size, presentation, packaging etc.

Price: What price will the product retail (sell to the consumer) at and why?

Place: Where will the product ideally be distributed and why? (HINT: Assume that the 'Mock Buyers' that you are presenting to are from one of your selected retail destinations)

Promotion: Where and how will you promote to your Target Market? Explain and provide reasons for your plan. (HINT: Be thorough in explaining why you selected the means of promotion. You are not required to create promotional material).

PART 3 - Presentation ?

3.1)? All members of the group participated

3.2) ?The presentation was well prepared and rehearsed

Have fun and work together!

Collaboration leads to a stronger appreciation of the marketing theory and more robust exploration of concepts and ideas.

Reference no: EM133209928

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