Reference no: EM133811668
Assessment Details
Class Facilitation
Students must take part in the tutorial sessions every week from week 5 to week 12 and all the facilitations will be assigned to students in week 4.
Assessment Design - Adapted Harvard Referencing:
Understanding Copyright Laws: Infringement, Protection and Exceptions
Holmes will be implementing as a program a revised Harvard approach to referencing. The following guidelines apply: 2018
Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources which provide full text access to the source's content for lecturers and markers.
The Reference list should be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled:
It should include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged alphabetically A-Z by author surname. In addition, it MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source.
All assignments will require additional in-text reference details which will consist of the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page number of contents, paragraph where the content can be found.
Non-Adherence to Referencing Guidelines
Where students do not follow the above guidelines:
Students who submit assignments which do not comply with the guidelines will be asked to resubmit their assignments.
Late penalties will apply, as per the Student Handbook each day, after the student/s have been notified of the resubmission requirements.
Students who comply with guidelines and the citations are "fake" will be reported for academic misconduct.
Assignment Description:
This assessment will be completed in groups of 4 students. Each week selected students will lead and facilitate discussions related to the selected readings. During the Fourth Week class of semester, each group will be selecting a reading topic from the materials presented in the previous week that they will facilitate during tutorial. Prior to the session, each group member needs to identify and prepare a list of issues and/or concepts relevant to the weekly materials that they can use to initiate discussion with the tutorial group. At the end of the discussion session, the facilitator will give a summary of the ideas or points covered in the discussion and identified by the participants.
The major challenge associated with this assessment involves being a facilitator and leading discussion amongst students. All students should search for techniques that demonstrate how to act as a facilitator so as to promote group interaction, dynamics and discussion. There are many techniques that can be used- students should adopt one or even a combination of several to assist them in performing this role. Need solution, Order Now!
As a guide, 20 minutes for Facilitation, plus 10 minutes for Q&A and transition between teams. The mark allocation for this assessment:
List of issues and/or concepts: Prior to the session, students should prepare and upload a list of issues and/or concepts in the Blackboard.
Class facilitation: During the session, students will lead and facilitate discussions related to the selected readings.
Engagement and active participation: Every session, students should attend the tutorial and have active participation into those students who are facilitating (asking at least 4 questions or participate in the discussions overall the teaching period).