Identify and explain the two key assertions at risk

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM132368557 , Length: 2500 Words


Overview of the Subject

This subject considers primarily the role of the auditor in the external audit of corporate financial statements, but also looks at risk assessment, system reliability and detection and prevention of fraud more broadly. It builds on the knowledge of accounting standards and studies the roles and responsibilities of the auditor, auditing principles and standards, and the application of those standards, particularly in an electronic environment.

Subject Learning Outcomes

a) Apply the various auditing standards and procedures taking into consideration the professional, legal and ethical standards relevant to audits by the application of these to the conduct of an audit

b) Apply the concepts of risk analysis and internal controls, audit testing procedures and audit sampling techniques as they apply to audit practice

c) Evaluate information of audit practice and audit reports with reference to current auditing standards.

3. Assessment Details

Details of Each Assessment Item

The assessments for this subject are described below. The description includes the type of assessment, its purpose, weighting, due date and submission requirements, the topic of the assessment, details of the task and detailed marking criteria, including a marking rubric for essays, reports and presentations.

Supplementary assessment information and assistance can be found in Moodle.

KOI expects students to submit their own original work in both assignments and exams, or the original work of their group in the case of group assignments. Material in assignments which comes from the work of others must be appropriately acknowledged.

Assessment 1

Purpose: To revise and reinforce subject content taught up to and including week 5. This assessment contributes to learning outcomes a, b, and c.

Task Details: Students will be expected to answer short and/or long answer questions applying the subject theory and models to given situations, analysing the issues, identifying the problems and developing supported solutions/recommendations.

Assessment 2

Assessment Type: Auditing case study – 2500 + 10% word report - individual assessment.

Purpose: To allow students to demonstrate their ability to research, critically analyse trends and issues in auditing and assurance services, identifying problems as would arise in a modern organisation. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b and c.

Topic: Key audit matters, financial report assertions and substantive audit procedures.

Task details:

Question 1

While assessing the risk of material misstatement and determining the appropriate response with regard to the inventory of Computing Solutions Limited (Computing Solutions) for the 30 June 2019 audit, you become aware of the following information:

(i) The best-selling computer presentation package has been experiencing a high level of returns owing to suspected software problems

(ii) Based on closing inventory, inventory turned over an average of 5.2 times in 2018 and 3.8 times in 2019

(iii) Computing Solutions moved its inventory from a central warehouse to six new regional warehouses in March 2019

(iv) Inventory on hand at end of year represented 26 per cent of sales in 2019 and 19 per cent of sales in 2018

(v) Computing Solutions has recently won a tender to supply a large government department with various products. In order to win the tender and prevent competitors from gaining a foothold in the public sector market, Computing Solutions agreed to supply the items at 10 per cent below their cost price. The first shipment is due to be delivered to the government department in the middle of July 2019.


(a) Identify and explain the two key assertions at risk in relation to inventory

(b) Identify and describe two substantive audit procedures that you could perform in response to each risk identified above

(c) Explain the requirement of ASA 701 Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Auditor’s Report and the rationale for this auditing standard. Determine if each of the above matters are key audit matters, providing full rationale for the determination. If it is determined that they are Key Audit Matters, provide the disclosures which are required in Key Audit Matters Section of the Auditor’s report as required under ASA 701.

Question 2

You are the audit senior with Howard & Associates and have been assigned to the audit of Beautiful Hair Ltd (Beautiful Hair).

In early 2019, Beautiful Hair acquired a small manufacturer of high-quality organic hair-styling products, Shimmer Pty Ltd (Shimmer). Beautiful Hair’s management had identified that Shimmer’s line of products would fit extremely well with the Beautiful Hair business, and organized funding for the acquisition from Regional Bank.

Shimmer uses special formulas to create its product. Only the owner of Shimmer knows the secret ingredients for the formulas. These secret ingredients are apparently documented and held by Shimmer’s solicitors.

Beautiful Hair’s management has been advised that the intellectual property related to the formulas has the potential to be both a material and valuable asset and has been recognized as an intangible asset arising from the acquisition in accordance with accounting standard AASB 3.


(a) Identify and explain the two key assertions most at risk in relation to the intellectual property intangible asset

(b) Identify and describe a substantive audit procedure that you could perform in response to each risk identified above

(c) Explain the requirement of ASA 701 Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Auditor’s Report and the rationale for this auditing standard. Determine if each of the above matters are key audit matters, providing full rationale for the determination. If it is determined that they are Key Audit Matters, provide the disclosures which are required in Key Audit Matters Section of the Auditor’s report as required under ASA 701.

Reference no: EM132368557

Questions Cloud

Common risks that organizations face : What are some of the most common risks that organizations face?
What techniques have worked in forming groups to solve : What techniques have worked in forming groups to solve problems? Why did the technique work?
What is the concept of organizational culture : What is the concept of organizational culture and how can it be used to effectively lead?
How will your communication strategies change for each group : Describe one internal and one external method for the disseminationof your EBP project results. For example, an internal method may bethe hospital board.
Identify and explain the two key assertions at risk : KING’S OWN INSTITUTE- ACC707 AUDITING AND ASSURANCE-Australia-Identify and explain the two key assertions at risk in relation to inventory.
Describe the difference between service risk : Describe the difference between service risk and financial risk in capitation.
Explain your project made a difference in practice : Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice (My EBP is on hand washing) The reference must include doi.
Discuss the gender gap in wages and the concept : Discuss how this situation may change in the future and how it may be affected by changes in the general workforce.
Assumptions for the facility management operating budget : Which of the following activities would be appropriate to help formulate assumptions for the facility management operating budget?



9/9/2019 11:33:47 PM

Using reference materials available on the Internet, research the topic and prepare a report, fully referenced and up to 2,500 words (assignment in excess of 2,500 words will be penalized). Minimum of 8 academic references is required. The report should include title page, executive summary, table of contents, appropriate headings and sub headings, recommendations, reference list (Harvard- Anglia style), attachments if relevant, single spaced, font Times New Roman 12pt.

Write a Review

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State whether Event is adjusting or non-adjusting event.

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To identify principal audit risk and corresponding audit procedures

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  Prepare a memo on the state of the company''s industry

Prepare a memo on the 'state of the company's industry' and associated risk factors.

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