Identify and explain the rationale for the data model.

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13949196

Select a data model your team would use to build a new EHR for your facility

Identify and explain the rationale for the data model .

What are the advantages and disadvantages of your choice?

We chose relational database model XML

Reference no: EM13949196

Questions Cloud

Give a managerial interpretation for coefficients 3 and .9 : Since 13.2 is greater than. 9 can you conclude the PE ratio has a stronger relationship to dividends than future growth? If not, what would you need to know to conclude which variable has a stronger relationship to the P E ratio? Briefly explain.
Respond to at least two of your colleagues posts : Respond to at least two of your colleagues' posts (Note: 2 of my colleague's responses are copied below, I need one response for each person) that hold a different position from your own (Note: My post is attached below in a document for reference..
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Compute the direct materials allowed per bunny in ounces : Compute the direct materials allowed per bunny in ounces. Compute the direct labor hours allowed per bunny in hours. Set up a standard cost card for the prime cost of one chocolate bunny.
Identify and explain the rationale for the data model. : Select a data model your team would use to build a new EHR for your facility
Moral relativism and objectivism : Here are some of the potential prompts for you to choose from for the essay on Plato's moral arguments--remember that this is one of three possible topics for submission to "group 1" of your required essays--you must write either on this topic or ..
Determine the time constant of the circuit : 1. Steady-state conditions exist in the circuit shown in Figure P5.27 for t 0. The switch is closed at t = 0. V1  = 12 V            C = 0.47 μF R1  = 680 Q    R2  = 2.2 kQ R3 = 1.8 kQ Determine the time constant of the circuit for t > 0.
List and give example of three types of binary relationship : Discuss the following elements as they relate to the Entity-Relationship Model: Entities, Attributes, Identifiers, and Relationships.
Determine the current through the capacitor : Determine the current through the capacitor just before and just after the switch is closed in Figure P5.23. Assume steady-state conditions for t 0.


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