Identify and explain the lasting legacy of the conflict

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133371799

Case Study: Now you are ready to complete your Performance Task. Many of the conflicts that the United States has been involved in during the last century have left a legacy. As you study these conflicts you understand what they are most known for. You will choose a particular conflict that the U.S. has fought in since 1914 and identify the legacy of that war. You will write a response in argumentative form.

Questions: Be sure to include the following in your Performance Task:

1. Identify and explain the lasting legacy of the conflict. To consider legacy think of the following questions: What the war is most known for? What the major impacts or consequences of the conflict? What were the lessons learned from the war? What was the controversy behind the war?

2. Have U.S. leaders learned from the conflict or are they making the same mistakes as before? Use the information that you have gathered throughout this packet to help you complete your Performance Task. If you are stuck or need additional help, please see your teacher or tutor.



Reference no: EM133371799

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