Identify and explain sampling and recruitment procedures

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Reference no: EM132369976

Research Foundations for Health Practice Assignment - Research Workbook

Description - The goal of this assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of research principles and methods. The workbook consists of 2 parts Part A, the Research Presentations and Part B, the research critique.

Assessment Criteria - Completion of the workbook will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Understand the principles of quantitative and qualitative methods of collecting, analysing and presenting information in health research.
  • Manage information systems to identify and find relevant peer reviewed literature to explore a health care research question.
  • Critically appraise health care research literature.
  • Discussion of the relevance to evidence-based practice.

Workbook Part A: Research Presentations

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a requirement of all registered health practitioners (AHPRA 2014). The CPD requirements of each National Board are detailed in the Registration Standards for each profession, these detail the number of credits/points/hours practitioners must spend each year on learning activities. For example, the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) states "CPD is the means by which members of the professions maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge, expertise and competence, and develop the personal and professional qualities needed throughout their professional lives" (NMBA, 2016, p 1). An example of a CPD activity is attending "conferences, forums, seminars and symposia" (NMBA, 2016, p 2).

In NUR131 you are required to view 8 research presentations as an illustrative example of a CPD activity. In Part A of the workbook you are required complete a workbook entry for each of the 8 Research Presentations. The research presentations for this activity are located in the Research Presentations folder in the course BlackBoard.

Each presentation entry should be approximately 100 words and must address the following criteria:

  • Date you listened to the presentation
  • Name of the presenter
  • Title of the presentation
  • Description of topics covered during research presentation
  • Reflection on presentation and its application to your future practice

Workbook Part B: Research Critique

Part B of the workbook requires you to critically appraise a research article. The workbook template (included on BlackBoard) includes the question areas that MUST be answered for this assessment task.

You are required to analyse and critique the journal article. Simple yes/no answers are not adequate responses. Do not use quotations as this demonstrates that you can find information but does not demonstrate that you understand a concept. Your course textbook provides detailed instruction on how to undertake a critique of a journal article.

You are required to retrieve the following assessment article using the USC library databases:

Article: Cooke M, Ullman AJ, Ray-Barruel G, Wallis M, Corley A & Rickard CM 2018, 'Not "just" an intravenous line: Consumer perspectives on peripheral intravenous cannulation (PIVC). An international cross-sectional survey of 25countries', PLoS ONE, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1-18, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0193436

Specific critique area -

Explain the purpose of the study. Use the PICO or PICo format to identify the research question. (150 words)

Discuss the design used in the research. (150 words)

Identify and explain sampling and recruitment procedures were in the research. (250 words)

Explain how the data was collected. (200 words)

Explain how data was analysed. (150 words)

Briefly summarise the results of this study. (200 words)

Discuss the relevance of the research findings for health professionals' practice. (400 words)

Approximately 1500 words will be required to complete part B in the workbook.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132369976

Questions Cloud

Financial leadership processes : Where and how should the board be involved in the financial leadership processes?
Executive leadership and strategic management : Please explain the ways that should be linked, including the ways that financial leadership should be linked to strategic planning.
Complete financial information with their boards : Many nonprofit executives do not share full and complete financial information with their boards. Why is this a bad and potentially dangerous practice?
Analyze and describe the relationship of a company : Analyze and describe the relationship of a company's external environment with its resources, capabilities, and competitiveness. Provide examples.
Identify and explain sampling and recruitment procedures : NUR131 Research Foundations for Health Practice Assignment - Research Workbook, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
What do you recall about your behavior when you assumed role : Listed below are the questions posed by Weiss, Tilin, and Morgan in your textbook on page 102. When discussing leadership development. Address the questions.
Explaining your own personal learning theories : Find online information, journal articles or text book references for learning views. Then, write a 2-3 page paper explaining your own personal learning.
Propose how to improve susan communication skills : Propose how to improve Susan's communication skills. Create a policy that could be implemented, in the organization, to ensure effective communication.
Comparing and contrasting distinct types of energy : Write a essay three to five paragraphs for comparing and contrasting distinct types of energy like: Mechanical energy, potential energy, electricity, magnetism,



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The format of your workbook should use the following guidelines: 1. Typeface: Calibri with 12 point font size. 2. Line spacing: 1½ space. 3. Layout orientation: Landscape. 4. The Harvard reference style 8th edition must be used. 5. The file format MUST NOT be altered. You are expected to use academic writing in this assessment task (Please note: Writing using the first person is not acceptable for this assessment task). Part A: Research Presentations: Definition and description of key research terms in each of 8 research presentations (5 marks per presentation activity x 8 presentations = /40 marks) Part B: Research Critique (60 marks).

Write a Review

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