Identify and discuss strategic capabilities

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1379046 , Length: 2000 words

1. Identify and discuss strategic capabilities (resources and competences) of the chosen company using appropriate strategy tools and identify strengths and weaknesses for the firm. Apply the Value Chain and identify and discuss any core competences the organization may have. Discuss company's financial position.

Resources (human and physical), Financial resources (analysis), Strengths and Weaknesses, Value Chain, Core competences.

2. Taking into account the above findings as well as the conclusions from your first assignment, construct a SWOT matrix to show strategic position of the organization.

3. Identify and discuss (providing examples and evidence) one strategic direction OR a method for your chosen organization.

You can use any relevant sources providing all sources are properly referenced. Of particular relevance are sources like Keynotes, Mintel and the FT.

Reference no: EM1379046

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