Identify and discuss relevant investment

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133102099

Assignment Brief

• The assignment covers the current and ongoing developments and debates regarding linkages between land transport and other transport modes, operations, and policies.
• The Port of Duqm is part of the Special Economic Zone Authority of Duqm (SEZAD) project to develop an integrated, multimodal logistics hub, encompassing maritime links, road networks, airport, and railway systems, making it a strategic logistics and transport hub serving not only Oman but the entireGulf Corporation Council (GCC) countries.
• It is envisaged that this venture will support Oman's ambition of being one of the world's top ten logistics hubs by 2040.

The Task

ASYAD as Oman's integrated logistics provider is charged with promoting the Port of Duqm project as an ideal point of entry for different types of cargoes destined for Oman and the neighbouring GCC countries. You are employed as an Associate for ASYAD, and you have been asked to provide a 1,500-word report to the CEO about the potential for this project and to address the following specific points:

1. Analyse the role of land transport in handling freight to and from the Port of Duqm. Your analysis should include information related to modes of transportation, types of vehicles/fleets, frequency, transits, costs,routes, and distribution channels.(650 words maximum).

2. Evaluate the trade/logistics risks related to land transport routes, channels, and modes. (350 words maximum).

3. Identify and discuss relevant investment and regulatory strategies that should be put in place to mitigate/manage land transport associated challenges and risks.(350 words maximum).

4. Your report should have a title page, executive summary, table of contents, introduction (75 words maximum), main body (points 1-3), conclusions/recommendations (75 words maximum), bibliography, appendices. All tables and charts should be placed in the appendices and referred to in the text. The report should be presented in a professional format.

Attachment:- Land Transport Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM133102099

Questions Cloud

Case-jamaica vs united states : Draw conclusions on how doing business in the country you selected will differ from doing business in the United States
What is the value of the firm at the beginning : What is the value of the firm at the beginning of 2020 under the Residual Earnings (RE) model if the RE of 2021 is expected to grow at a constant rate of 4%
Define correlational research and experimental : Define correlational research and experimental research and then give the pros and con of each method. Finally, explain why correlation is not the same as causa
Implications for marketers : In what way might deal sites affect the zone of acceptance for a product or category? What are the implications for marketers?
Identify and discuss relevant investment : Analyse the role of land transport in handling freight to and from the Port of Duqm and Identify and discuss relevant investment and regulatory strategies
Obvious regarding the right and wrong response : Most, if not all, ethical issues are obvious regarding the right and wrong response.
Probation is popular alternative to incarceration : Probation is a popular alternative to incarceration. There are more offenders on probation than there are inmates in prison.
Structure and reasoning that underlies management actions : Financial management is both an art and a science. You, as a manger, need to perceive the structure and reasoning that underlies management actions.
Relationship between servant leadership and performance : Relationship between Servant leadership and performance


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