Identify and discuss five major issues with galaxy

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM131481144 , Length: 10

Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double-spaced, 12-point font. The final product will be between 8-10 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page and appendix. You may not exceed ten (10) pages so it is important to write clearly and concisely.

Use the following format:

- Create a title page with title, your name, the course, the instructor's name and date;
- Introduction
- Part One
- Part Two
- Part Three

Step 3: Create the introductory paragraph.
The introductory paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper but is typically written after writing the body of the paper (Questions students responded to above). View this website to learn how to write an introductory paragraph:

Step 4: Part One-Organizing
Read critically and analyze the following scenario:
Now, it is time for all production managers to begin the organizing process. Doing so requires that managers collect the people, resources, and capital to begin production in a way that will implement the short-term production goals and objectives set through planning. The deadline for production to begin is January 31, 2018. Christmas product shipping must start in July of 2018. The budget for each branch is $300,000 for the total production budget. Currently, the production staff includes a total of 124 employees per day shift and 91 at night per plant for a total of 215 employees. Most tasks are covered in both shifts. Current production and shipping personnel per task include:


# of Day Shift


# of Night Shift Workers

Machine Operators



Machine Maintenance



Assembly Line Staff



Electronics Specialists






Floor Supervisors



Production IT (computer machine)



Fork Lift Operators



Shipping Schedulers



Plant Maintenance



Administrative Support

Material Purchase/Secretary



To complete the Moon Mission to Jupiter's Europa 1 project, it is projected that additional personnel are needed: Two 3D printer operators for the day shift and two for the night shift. Additionally, instead of having an on-call position for production IT, a full-time night position is needed.
The design and engineering department has provided the product specifications including materials, sizes, and 3D printers and one person per shift to produce the product. Trained personnel are needed for operating the 3D printers. The cost of one complete Moon Mission to Jupiter's Europa 1 product is set at $7.56, which includes packaging. The 3D printers will produce the completely assembled piece including electronics and packaging in 7.36 minutes and will cost $6100 per printer.

Step 5: Assume the role of Itza Yu.
Task 1: Explain the role of a manager in the organizing phase of the POLC
Task 2: Identify and discuss five major issues with Galaxy, Inc. that Itza Yu must address in organizing the production floor for both existing production and the new project.

Step 6: Aligning People
Task 1: One of the areas of discussion that must be included in the organizing phase is that of aligning people to the task of production. Create an organizational chart that shows how Yu would organize the people and jobs on the production floor that aligns with the rest of the organization.
Task 2: Discuss why and how the organizational chart was created. This organizational chart will be used, as the template for the other branches within the organization, so be sure the structure of the production floor aligns with the organization of the company.

Step 7: Decision Making Authority
Task 1: Once you have created the chart, identify the decision making authority/flow for those individuals on the chart.
Task 2: Explain why the structure was chosen and how it best serves the decision making flow for the production floor and the company as a whole.

Step 8: Part Two-Leading Motivation
Read critically and analyze the following scenario:
During the course of production older line staff and machine workers began to see the speed and accuracy for which the 3D printers made its product. An obvious concern began to surface among the workers. The workers began to ask, "Will I still have a job next year?" Morale of plant workers began to suffer. Itza Yu knows that this concern must be addressed and morale needs to be improved. As the manager, Yu know that the business must innovate to keep growing. How can Yu improve morale?

Step 9: Motivation
Task 1: Acting as Joyce Barnhart, what advice should she give to Yu. In discussing the advice, first identify the reasons for the morale problem and how motivation affects change. Be sure to address change and the worker's reaction to implementing change.
Task 2: Discuss the actual ideas and the specific ways Yu should take to motivate his existing employees that will build morale and keep production levels on track for the current contracts and the new project.

Step 10: Part Three-Control:
3A) Read critically and analyze the following scenario:
The following chart displays the results of the first year's production of MMTJE1. The table was created from data supplied by the company's entire production department managed by Keith as a means of controlling production output. It will be used by the VP in his evaluation of areas of improvement, change, or success to processes used by the production department in the production of MMTJE1. The chart describes the standard goal (identified as standard) set by the department and the result each branch obtained. A comparison of the standard to the results allows the reader to form conclusions about the success or failure of the production department to meet the goals envisioned by the company. It also allows the reader to recognize patterns from the data from which conclusions can be drawn as to the relationship between elements (e.g. cost expended vs time expended; those who spent more time had a higher cost).






White Plains

















Quality Control Problem Ratio (per 500 units)







Training Time (per hour)







Shipping Problems/Damage (per 10,000 units)







3D Problems (per 10,000 units)







Total Number of Pieces Produced  per year







Answer the following required elements for Part Three-3A making sure that the facts of the scenario and the course readings support the reasoning of the answers provided.

Step 11: Standard Specifications
Compare the standard specifications data set with the results from each of the results for the five branches.

Step 12; Interpreting the Results
Task 1: Interpret the results for the new product production chart above.
Task 2: Detail the areas that need improvement as well as those positive conclusions the data suggests.

Step 13: Corrective Action

Task 1: Define what "corrective action" means to the manager in the control function of the POLC.
Task 2: Do you suggest Keith take, if any, corrective action for this report.

Step 13: 3B):
Read critically and analyze the following scenario:
The next meeting of the long term planning team for Galaxy Toys is scheduled for next week. All the VP's will be there and a report must be given by all as to the viability of the "Moon Mission Jupiter's Europa 1" toy roll out and the success or failure of the long term goals and objectives.
Keith reviewed his meeting notes with his branch managers when the production results came out. The managers seemed to all talk at once. Most all the managers seem to feel that the project was well worth the effort. It appears that many managers felt that training on the 3D printer in terms of repair and maintenance was the biggest problem. Mexico's manager, Hernando Gonzalez, said that they lost their trained personnel to a software company and had difficulties finding replacements. The company who supplied the 3D printers provided initial training but follow up training thereafter proved a problem when personnel turnover increased. Gonzalez explained that there is a serious shortage of skilled IT personnel in Juarez. Consequently, finding qualified workers and keeping people without paying more than budget is a major problem. As a result, both the production and the IT departments are losing money. Getting a full time, IT night worker is impossible without a serious budget increase.

Step 14: Prepare a report for Keith to present to the planning team

Task 1: Follow a Report Format.
- Introduction
- Potential Concerns
- Relationship Between Control Function and Long-term Planning
- Recommendations

Task 2: Use the conclusions drawn from the chart in Part Two as well as Keith's notes from the meeting (noted above) with the branch managers on the production results to identify at least three conclusions that have potential concern for the long-term future of the project and or company.

Task 3: Explain why and how each of the factors chosen would affect the future long-term strategic planning.

Task 4: Examine the relationship between the control process and long term planning as part of the explanation

Task 5: Offer recommendations for solutions that might be introduced along with the issues to the planning committee to address the implications of the factors chosen.

Reference no: EM131481144

Questions Cloud

How complicated is assessing risk for the portfolio : How complicated is assessing risk for the portfolio? What makes it complicated? Is there a standard way to assess risk for a portfolio?
Why does price discrimination improve efficiency of market : What two challenges must a firm overcome to effectively price-discriminate?
Find preventing resale key successful price discrimination : If perfect price discrimination reduces consumer surplus to zero, how can this lead to the most socially desirable level of output?
Developments in sub-saharan africa economies : China's economic relations with SSA (or some regions of Africa) and the consequences of these relations for the SSA economies.
Identify and discuss five major issues with galaxy : Identify and discuss five major issues with Galaxy, Inc. that Itza Yu must address in organizing the production floor for both existing production and the new project.
An integral part of six sigma : An integral part of Six Sigma is:
Which would pay the lower price : Seven potential customers are interested in seeing a movie. Since the marginal cost of admitting additional customers is zero, the movie theater maximizes.
Prior to the development of the internet : A clear message should have a purpose and a thesis that are apparent to the listeners. Prior to the development of the internet, there was no real public forum.
Discuss the example of price discrimination : Identify whether each of the following is an example of price discrimination. Explain your answers.


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