Reference no: EM131432672
Assignment: Security Threats on Health Care Information Technology
scoring guide icon Discussion and Participation Scoring Guide.
Website icon Healthcare IT News.
Website icon Privacy and Security.
Website icon The White House Blog - Secretary Sebelus Discusses Health Care Security.
The last topic covered in this course is threats to information management and information security. Regardless of the systems used for information management, it is imperative to protect the information. In order to do so, one must understand the threats.
For this discussion, identify and describe threats to information technology and information management. This includes crimes, viruses, and the unauthorized use of data. How can these threats be overcome?
Use one of a combination of the following to help in your research on the Internet: information system security, health care, and health care information technology security.
Finally, review the health related applications in the chapter to assist you in the discussion.
Once you are done, refer to the Discussion Participation Scoring Guide to make sure you have met the requirements of this discussion.
Response Guidelines
Read the posts of your peers and respond to two posts. Think about the various threats you found, as well as those that your peers found. Which do you believe are the most threatening issues? Explain.
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