Reference no: EM133827560
Career Exploration in Human Services
Self and Career Integrative Paper
Description of Assignment
Over the semester, you have been engaged in a variety of activities that involved online assessments and inventories, research, and conversations in class.
This assignment requires that you go into depth about what you have learned about yourself and then concludes with thedirection for your career.
Write a paper that consolidates your learning throughout the course and present a thoughtful and well laid out plan for your academic and career plans and how they are compatible with what you learned from the Discover stage.
Refer in your descriptions to the career assessments / inventories, lectures, research, and assignments.
Use clear headings (do not write out the question / description statements).
5 major headings. The headings are: 1. Introduction, 2. Career Goals, 3. Vision / Mission Statement (2 subheadings - Code of Conduct, and Mission Builder), 4. Action Plan and Conclusion, and 5. Supplements.
Underneath the major headings, you will write responsesin paragraph form using full sentences and not point form.(marks will be deducted).
Please have a new paragraph that is indented, for each new description area under each heading. Marks will be deducted for not following the format of major headings, and indented paragraphs under the relevant headings.
Double spaced, include page numbers. Watch spelling, grammar, sentence structure, capitalization, and punctuation.
Include APA cover page at the beginning.Need reference page.
Must include supplements(by copying and pasting) to the end of your paper:
- Decision Making Grid for top 2 careers
- Pro / Con list for top 2 careers
- Franklin Covey Mission Statement
- Resume
- List of Career Resources used (Career Cruising, Type Focus, Labour Market government sites, etc. with the links to these resources.
1. Introduction
Introduce your paper with a statement that engages the readerabout your career path and what the reader will find in the paper. (about a half a page)
2. Career Goals
• Describe what your initial thoughts were regarding your career goal when youfirst started the course. (did you have no idea, a couple of potential careers to explore (state them)or knew exactly what you wanted). Get Instant Answers to this problem!
• Identify and describe the specific career goal that you have now. Describe how that compares to your initial thoughts on your career goal when you first started.(new career you had not considered before or one you were consideringor confirmed what you knew you wanted).
• Describe why you selected this goal and how it is the one that is most compatible with you. Describe in depth, how this career fits using and referring to your description and assessments on motivations, strengths and qualities, what you want in a career and don't want, personality, interests, values, and career and academic goals.
• Describe the major duties, work environment, and type of clients that makes this career most appealing / desirable for you and why.
• Describe what are the less appealing duties, aspects, challenges, and stressors of this career and what makes them less appealing, challenging, and stressful.
• Describe how and why this career was the clear career choice. (Refer and include a description of the results from the decision-making grid, and pro/ con list for your top 2 career choices.
(You will include your decision-making grid and pro/con list for both careers at the end of this paper as supplements).
3. Vision / Mission Statement
Code of Conduct / Professional Association
• State the name of the professional association reviewed and provide the direct link to the homepage.
• Describe what type of information, links, and resources are on this site.
• Provide a description of the professional standards and / or code of ethics that are described on this site.
• In reviewing the code of ethics and professional practice for your occupational choice, identify and describe two areas that you feel are important and why.
• Describe how the code of ethics / professional practice are in line with your beliefs and values.
Mission Builder
Copy and paste your Franklin Covey Mission Builder Statement as a supplement at the end of your paper. In the body of the paper in this section, you will describe:
• Describe when you perform at your best.
• Describe when you perform at your worst
• Describe what you really love to do at work.
• Describe what are your natural talents and gifts
• Describe howyour chosen career goal is compatible and a good fit for what you have described with your mission statement.
• Find and state a quote that you feel symbolizes your career choice or the careerexploration process and journey
- Cite your source and / or provide a direct link to access it.
- Describe why you selected this quote and how it reflects your vision/ mission for your career and your career journey.
4. Action Plan and Conclusion
• Conclude your paper with your plan of action on what you need to doas you apply to your next programs.(Be specific about the program (s) applyingto, the date you need to have your application in, how you need to apply, what the pre-requisites are and if you meet them, documentation needed to be submitted, any other preparation or first steps needed).
• Discuss / describe some specific and relevantchallenges, concerns, and anxieties you might have regarding the career and the educational pathway. Describe how you specifically plan to address / deal with these challenges, concerns, and anxieties.
• Resume and Findings in Discover - Looking at your resume and discover findings, what qualities, skills, experiences do you have that will be beneficial in moving toward your career goal. Copy and paste your resume to the end your paper as a supplement.
5. Supplements - documents that were used in support of this paper (include at the end of your paper. Copy and paste these documents at the end of the paper as supplements:
- Decision Making Grid for top 2 careers
- Pro / con list for top 2 careers
- Franklin Covey Mission Statement
- Resume (follow format from resume presentation)