Identify and describe the key aspects of cultural safety

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Reference no: EM133304017

PR1. Consulting with Community

PR1.1 Identify and describe the key aspects of cultural safety that you established in consultation with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and any agreed outcomes against which cultural safety strategies could be measured

PR2. Implementing your strategy

PR2.1 Describe your Cultural Safety Promotion Strategy and how you implemented it in your workplace

PR2.2 Describe one (1) specific example of a communication technique and one (1) specific example of a work practice that you used when implementing your strategy which demonstrated respect for the cultural differences of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people

PR2.3 Identify and describe how you engaged with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander interpreters and colleagues as cultural brokers, according to the situation needs when implementing your strategy

PR3. Working in Partnership

PR3.1 Describe one specific way in which your strategy supports the development of effective partnerships between staff, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their communities

PR3.2 Identify resources sourced and how they were utilised to promote partnerships

PR3.3 Describe how your strategy encourages and supports:

Cultural safety
Increased participation in services and programs

PR3.4 Describe how your strategy encourages and supports:

Community control in relation to services and programs

PR4. Each student to evaluate the Cultural Safety Promotion Strategy and provide recommendations for improvements

PR4.1 Outline how you involved Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in the evaluation of your strategy

Reference no: EM133304017

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