Identify and describe the issues or challenges in the case

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133094968

OSCM 5140 Supply Chain and Logistics Management - Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Case - Seven-Eleven Japan Co.

Project Description

Effective management of the supply chain is a prerequisite for business success today. Supply chain and logistics management seek to synchronize its business organization's process and its suppliers and customers to match the flow of materials, products, services, resources and information.

In each case study, the case presents some issues and challenges in the supply chain environment. Throughout this course, you will learn a variety of principles/concepts each week. For this group project, your role is to improve the supply chain and/or help to determine the next course of action for the case study that you choose.

You will prepare a written report:
a. Identify and describe the issues or challenges presented in the case.
b. Identify three (3) principles/concepts and explain each of the theoretical scopes and purposes.
c. Apply each of these three (3) principles/concepts to the organization's supply chain, clearly
explaining and demonstrating evidence these principles will improve the operation.
d. Describe how these three (3) noted principles/concepts are linked to each other and support each other from an application perspective to the case.

You will present:
a. Deliver a 10 minutes presentation, which is a summary of the written report.
b. Your presentation must be succinct.
c. At the end of the presentation, 5 minutes for questions will be allocated.

Attachment:- Supply Chain and Logistics Management.rar

Reference no: EM133094968

Questions Cloud

Find the operating loss and the absolute loss : The original price ws $294.20, but this was marked down 35%. If the operating expenses are 30% of the cost, find the operating loss and the absolute loss
Concepts of cyber security-information assurance : Compare and contrast the differences between the concepts of cybersecurity, information assurance, and risk management.
Discuss the choice of financing a foreign project : Discuss the choice of financing a foreign project by equity versus debt and also by debt incurred in dollars versus in the currency of the foreign subsidiary
What will be the total investment, total return : What will be the total investment, total return, return of capital invested (ROI), and residual income (RI) of the Mining division manager
Identify and describe the issues or challenges in the case : Identify and describe the issues or challenges presented in the case and Describe how these three (3) noted principles/concepts are linked to each other
Describe system conversion : Describe TQM, Six Sigma and CMM (CMMI). Describe System Conversion. What are Service-Oriented Architectures? Describe how Systems are Distributed.
Should Irvine close its Wallpaper department : The space vacated by the Wallpaper department can be remodeled at a cost of $12,400. Should Irvine close its Wallpaper department
Various attacks from hackers : Databases are subject to various attacks from hackers. One of the most dangerous is SQL Injection.
What is the due date of the election : If Genesis wishes to make an S corporation election effective for its first taxable year, what is the due date of the election


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