Identify and describe at least three potential kaizen

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Reference no: EM133638877 , Length: word count:900

Kaizen events or Work-Outs are one- to five-day rapid improvement events widely used in the deployment of Lean and Operational Excellence. Jack was a huge fan of Work-Outs, which were so named because the focus was on getting the unnecessary work out of the system. These events were NOT just brainstorming sessions but were well-planned and highly structured events that had:

A well-defined process and set of expectations going in
Sufficient time and freedom from distraction so participants could focus on the issues being discussed
Participation by key stakeholders all the way from line workers to senior management
Clearly defined requirements for decision and action
In Part B of your Course Project, you will construct a detailed agenda for such an event. The agenda must demonstrate how you will get input from key stakeholders involved with the selected process, use the correct Lean tools, and conclude the event with actionable improvement outcomes.

Use your work from Part A of your Course Project to identify improvement opportunities in the process you mapped that are suitable for Kaizen events or Work-Outs

Identify and describe at least three potential Kaizen or Work-Out events.

Select one event to be deployed and justify your selection of this event over your other options.

Define the Kaizen objective and scope for the selected event.

Develop a detailed agenda for your selected event. Use a tabular format, showing:
Days and Times
Session Topics and Objectives
Lean tools to be Used
Outputs or Deliverables

Day Time Session Topic/Objective Lean Tools Output/Deliverables

Explain how your agenda supports the Kaizen objective and scope for the event. In your explanation, include your rationale for:
Duration of sessions (granular enough to be effective)
Number of days and sequence for session topics
Lean tools to be used and outputs from each session.
Your explanation must be specific to your processes and organization/department/function so that all stakeholders in your organization can relate to the agenda.

Attachment:- Procurement Process

Reference no: EM133638877

Questions Cloud

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Identify and describe at least three potential kaizen : Identify and describe at least three potential Kaizen or Work-Out events and Select one event to be deployed and justify your selection of this event
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What are some ways one might benchmark to ensure the success : When have you personally engaged in social negotiation? What are some ways one might benchmark to ensure highest level of success with this type of negotiation?
What types of work environments do i prefer : What types of work environments do I prefer? What companies would I love to work for and what is my dream job?



2/9/2024 9:03:28 PM

Find below the assignment requirements it is a continuation of the previous assignment. which we have attached here already. We need 900 words paper + title page references with in-text citations. Your work is to be submitted in Word. Total length should be 3 to 4 pages, including the actual agenda. You are free to organize your submission in whatever way you feel best presents the material and makes it easy to understand. Typically, this will mean presenting each day’s tabular agenda in granular detail (15-minute to 2-hour timeslots with details for each session) and then providing supporting pages with additional explanations. As guidance, design this as a document you would share with your team and/or your supervisor. It should be detailed enough to clearly explain how the event will be structured and why but concise enough that it will get read. Note: A generic agenda for a Kaizen event or a generic Lean discussion is not acceptable.

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