Reference no: EM131678029
1. Project Introduction
In this section, we want the reader to understand the purpose of the project, what it entails and its background. This is especially important as you present the initial proposal even before acceptance of the project by management.
Complete these two sections:
A. Project Introduction - Summarize in a one paragraph proposal the following:
a. Project Purpose: i.e. what are its objectives and its main purpose?
b. Describe how this project fits into the definition of a project
a.To start a catering service for office workers to order and have delivered to them their lunch with at least five menu choices. The objectives in cluding food ordering with at least 5 choices and the delivery.
b.This project has a clear start and end point.
The design and method for this operation is not routine.
2. Project Justification, Background, and Impact
In this section, we want the reader to understand the justification of the proposed project, its background and more details of the proposal for the consideration of management.
Complete these three sections:
A. Project Justification: (3 paragraphs minimum)
a. Identify reasons for the project
b. Provide supporting evidence for the reasons
c. Provide a brief summary of your justification
B. Project Background -
a. Summarize in 3 paragraphs your approach to the project
i. What are some key milestones in this project?
ii. What are some of your success criteria?
iii. What are your next steps after this if the proposal submitted is approved to go forward as a project?
C. In one or two paragraphs list what Triple Constraint challenges you feel may impact the project.
D. Project Impacts - Identify and describe areas within the organization impacted by the project
a. Provide at least 3 areas
b. Provide the reason those areas are impacted
E. Role - describe your role in the project
3. Deliverables of each Process Group
In this section, we want the reader to understand the Process Groups and deliverables they provide for the project.
Complete these this section:
A. Process Groups
a. List each process group for your project
i. If you wish to use unique names for your project processes instead of the PMBOK process names, feel free to do so, but be sure to include all phases.
ii. Add at least 3 deliverables per process group
Attachment:- Project Proposal.rar