Reference no: EM131189679 , Length: word count:1000
Assessment: Case Study
This assessment involves completing the following tasks:
1. Identify and describe an example of an ethical dilemma you have experienced or observed in a workplace.
(If you do not have a suitable workplace example then choose one of the scenarios posted on the EDU10011 MySCU learning site and describe it using your own words.)
2. List the main ethical questions raised by this dilemma. (Include at least three ethical questions.)
3. Use scholarly references to critically analyse the three most important lessons you have learnt from this dilemma about ethics in the workplace.
4. Make recommendations to prevent this type of ethical dilemma happening in the future. One of your recommendations must link to an existing Code of Ethical Practice and/or Conduct that could have assisted in addressing the ethical dilemma. Explain how and why this code would have been useful.
5. You must include at least four scholarly references (refereed journals, book chapters and reputable organisation websites) in your assessment.
The submission: The case study should be written in report format, using formal "Academic English". Incorporate the following sections:
- Table of contents
- Introduction
- Dilemma description and ethical questions raised
- Ethical lessons learnt
- Conclusion
- Recommendations
- References
Word Limit: 1000 words.
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