Identify and describe a child protection program

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Reference no: EM132372254

Assignment -

The assignments in this course build on one another to culminate in your Program Evaluation Plan. In order to plan a program evaluation, we must first understand the program and the needs of the population served.

For this assignment, you will compose a 3 to 4 page paper with the following components: Identify and describe a child protection program in your community (you may use the program described in Discussion Post #2). What is the mission of the program and specific population served? What services does this program provide? In what way does this particular program address a significant need in the community? Make sure to cite the relevant literature to support the need for the program.

Is there a theoretical basis for the program?

In what way(s) would the program benefit from an evaluation?

What evaluation model(s) may be appropriate to use in the evaluation of this program and why?

What are the ethical considerations in the planning and implementation of this program evaluation?

If you were hired as an external evaluator to evaluate this program, what are some initial steps you would take to plan this evaluation?

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The work highlights about the child protection plan where the focus is on handling the different issues and then understanding about the different factors which involves the planning about working towards the changes.The focus is on determining the plans and then working over the 1000 words report with describing about the ethical issues.

Reference no: EM132372254

Questions Cloud

Evaluate the pros and cons of each alternative : Evaluate the pros and cons of each alternative and suggest a course of action to your CEO. Formulate a recommendation for how to expand in Western Europe
Explain how the research informs improving behavior : Explain the intervention, strategies, procedures, and instruments used in the article listed above that have been found to be productive in investigating.
Define concept of culture including surface and deep culture : Explain how cultural context influences the all Indian Pueblo Council's approach to childcare. Support your answer with at least two examples from the video.
Discussion about the health system complexity : Read the Emergency Department Downtime case study found at the end of Chapter 20 in Health Informatics: An Interprofessional Approach. Answer the questions.
Identify and describe a child protection program : Identify and describe a child protection program in your community (you may use the program described in Discussion Post
Prepare a disbursement voucher : Review and distribution to their respective department employees. The payroll clerk then sends one copy of the payroll register to the accounts payable
Write a memo to jek porkins the audit senior on the dhl : Write a memo to Jek Porkins, the audit senior on the DHL assignment, that advises him on. Discuss the findings of his preliminary work for the 30 June 2019.
Describe the issues of cultural discontinuity : Describe at least two issues of cultural discontinuity facing the tribe and how these issues affect their approach to child care. Describe the impact.
Evaluate internal controls for its expenditure cycle : Use different methodologies to evaluate accounting information systems - ompany has a centralised accounting system with networked terminals



9/18/2019 3:14:04 AM

Rubric - Identify and describe a child protection program in your community 10.0 pts. Mission of the program and specific population served 10.0 pts. Services provided by program 10.0 pts. Way the program address a significant need in the community 10.0 pts. Theoretical basis for program 10.0 pts. How the program would benefit from evaluation 10.0 pts. Evaluation model that would be appropriate to use 10.0 pts. Initial steps as external program evaluator 10.0 pts.

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