Identify and describe a business crisis situation

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM13734847

Organizations are susceptible to an array of crises. There are different types of threats with no "one way" to manage them. This reality presents multiple business challenges to those in leadership positions. Each manager is responsible for managing risks within their own sphere of operations and area of responsibility. To this end, one must understand that crisis leadership is a process. For this assignment, you are required to identify a business crisis issue that interests you and develop a report.


Address the following in your report:

  • Identify and describe a business crisis situation and the main leaders involved. It could be one that you have experienced or have read about. Be sure to include a discussion of ethical implications.
  • Assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and industry trends (SWOTT) the company faced while its leaders were managing the crisis.
  • Assume you are a leader; recommend ways you could ensure that you have a clear view of risks across the organization in regard to the given scenario.
  • Identify a risk management process you would employ to mitigate risks in regard to the given scenario along with a rationale (utilize contemporary and classical leadership theories in support).
  • Recommend what you would do to ensure the risk management process is working the way you expect in regard to the scenario.
  • Describe ways to identify and manage uncertainties in a complex corporate environment (utilize contemporary and classical leadership theories to support your argument).

Reference no: EM13734847

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