Identify and define two ethical frameworks

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131672818

Instructions: Research a company in the news for an ethical dilemma. In a 7 – 10 slide PowerPoint presentation discuss the company and clearly define the ethical dilemma. Identify and define two ethical frameworks that the company executives may have used in making their decision. Include detailed speaker’s notes, a professional slide background and graphics on each slide. Submit your presentation in the assignments section, as a PowerPoint attachment. Grading Rubric: Criterion Unsatisfactory (Below 80%) Satisfactory (80% - 89%) Exceptional (90% - 100%) Ethical Dilemma Did not sufficiently define or discuss the ethical dilemma Clearly stated the ethical dilemma. Thoroughly defined, analyzed and discussed the ethical dilemma Ethical Frameworks Did not clearly identify or discuss the ethical dilemma using two ethical frameworks. Defined two ethical frameworks and applied them to the ethical dilemma faced by the company. Provided a detailed analysis on two ethical frameworks and thoroughly applied the frameworks to the dilemma faced by the company. Slides The presentation is less than seven slides, including the title slide and reference slide. The presentation is seven slides of content, not including the reference slide and title slide. The presentation is eight to ten slides of content, not including the reference slide and title slide. APA Formatting Citations and references are not listed in APA format. References appear on reference list but not cited in essay. Most citations are in APA format. All citations and reference listings are in APA format. Mechanics Frequent grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Use of first and second person, instead of third person. Too much text is presented on the slide. Minor grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Effective use of bullets on each slide. Technically flawless, mechanically and grammatically correct. Effective use of bullets and spacing on all of the slides. Graphics No graphics are used or many slides contain no graphics. A solid color slide background is used. Graphics are used on most slides. The slide background is acceptable for a business presentation. Correctly sized and clear graphics are used on all slides. A professional-looking slide background is used. Speaker's Notes No speaker's notes, or insufficient detail in the speaker's notes. PowerPoint presentation includes speaker's notes, on all slides. PowerPoint presentation includes detailed speaker's notes on all slides.

Reference no: EM131672818

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