Reference no: EM131155303
In a well-written paper, relate your professional or personal experience in the business world as an employee or employer and an ethical issue you confronted that falls within the realm of employment law. For example, you could write about your experience working long hours as a minor in violation of federal wage and hour laws.
If you have not personally or professionally confronted an issue, consider an issue that could arise within the realm of employment law and describe it. Be sure that your focus is twofold: first, on an area of employment law and second, on a potential ethical issue within that area of law.
Address the following in your paper:
• Identify and clearly define the relevant law, either defining a legal doctrine, provisions of a law, or elements of a specific cause of action.
• Apply facts from your situation to the applicable law, doctrine or cause of action studied.
• Clearly summarize lessons learned from the week as they apply to your fact pattern and make links to the readings and/or module.
• Include new thoughts or ideas based on the module information. This is your reflection/insight which logically would flow from each information point presented.
• Identify any related ethical issues.
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