Identify and briefly discuss two types of erm risks

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131066112

1. Refer to the Case Study Folder - Supply Chain Folder "Reputational Risk within Retail Supply Chains". ?Identify and briefly discuss two TRM loss exposures illustrated in this article. In each case, you should give the example AND briefly explain why your answer is an example of the loss exposure in question. This is fairly obvious in some cases and not so obvious in others.

2. Refer to the same article "Reputational Risk within Retail Supply Chains".

a. From an ERM perspective, identify and briefly discuss two types of ERM risks.
b. For each risk you identify, indicate if it is a pure or speculative risk. Justify your answer in both cases.
c. For each risk you identify, indicate if this risk is diversifiable or non- diversifiable. Justify your answer in both cases.

Reference no: EM131066112

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