Identify and assess at least three professional skills

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Reference no: EM131757186

"Database Administrator's Role" Please respond to the following:

Information professionals with adequate skills are required to maintain the business continuity of database services in an organization.

Identify and assess at least three professional skills that would be required to be successful database administrators.

Give your opinion on what the critical nature of a database administrator's role is to IT industry organizations. Support your answer with specific examples of functions and responsibilities they perform.


"Database Administrator's Role" Please respond to the following:

Information professionals with adequate skills are required to maintain the business continuity of database services in an organization. Identify and assess at least three professional skills that be required to be successful database administrators.

The first skill is when it comes to organizational skills. With this type of skill the administrator must have this because they handle large databases.

When a database is organized well it makes it easier for the users and improves database performance. The second skill is when it comes to technical skills. With this type of skill the administrator must have a high level of technical skill to work with computers that house data.

The third skill is when it comes to interpersonal skills. With this type of skill the administrator must be able to work with different types of people. Especially when that person might have a different skill then the administrator.

Give your opinion of what the critical nature of a database administrator's role is to IT industry organizations. Support your answer with specific example of functions and responsibilities they perform.

A database administrator is very important when it comes to the IT industry. A database administrator must make sure that the data is stored correctly, secured, and backed up if or when something goes wrong.

Reference no: EM131757186

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