Identify and analyse the benefits of diversity in relation

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Reference no: EM133562636

Manage and Promote DiversityTask 1: Written Questions

Question 1. Define diversity, identifying all of the key groups protected under the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination legislation in Australia. Answer in 50-100 words.

Question 2. Define the concepts of cultural awareness, cultural safety and cultural competency. Answer in 100-150 words.

Question 3. At a leadership or management level, discuss the impact that cultural awareness, safety and competence has on a workplace. Outline an example for each concept. Answer in 50-100 words.

Question 4. Outline the characteristics of the seven areas of diversity covered by legislation in Australian workplaces.

Culture, race, ethnicity
Religious or spiritual beliefs
Gender, including transgender
Sexual orientation/sexual identity - lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual

Question 5. What is the role of leaders and managers in encouraging diversity in work practices and service delivery? Provide at least three examples of the positive work practices that you have implemented or seen in the workplace. Answer in 50-100 words.

Question 6. In your experience, what has been the impact of diversity on: (answer in 60-120 words)
• your behaviour and that of your workplace or community
• your interpersonal relationships, perceptions and social expectations.
Discuss at least three negative and two positive impacts.

Question 7. Outline five benefits of diversity in the workplace.

Question 8. Direct and indirect discrimination. Answer in 150-200 words.
a. Explain what is meant by direct and indirect discrimination.
b. Discuss whether all indirect and direct discrimination is unlawful. Explain your answer and include an example.
c. Give an example of unlawful direct discrimination and of unlawful indirect discrimination for each of the following diverse groups - age, disability, race, sex.

Question 9. Discuss the barriers to inclusivity in the workplace. Include at least two examples that apply to staff and two examples that apply to the community using a service. Answer in 50-100 words.

Question 10. Discuss the principles and practices of inclusivity and how these would be supported in the workplace. Include at least three principles and practices in your response. Quote your sources of information. Answer in 50-100 words.

Question 11. Outline three cross-cultural communication strategies and how they could be implemented in your workplace. Answer in 50-100 words.

Question 12. For success in your services and programs you need to make sure that the activities are effective and equitable for your diverse clients. Discuss a range of strategies (at least three) that you could use to ensure the effectiveness and equitability of activities in your service area. Answer in 50-100 words.

Question 13. Case Study. Read the following case study and answer all questions below.

George is 80 years old and has volunteered at his local aged care facility for the last 20 years. He believes that the residents need friends on the outside to talk with. The manager of the facility calls George in for a chat and tells him that as of today he is no longer able to volunteer because their workplace insurance only covers staff and volunteers up to the age of 80. George is upset and humiliated and claims his human rights have been violated. He makes a complaint to the Commission of Human Rights.

a. What legal matters need to be considered in this scenario?
b. What ethical matters need to be considered?
c. What are George's rights?
d. What was the manager's responsibility in this scenario? List four responsibilities.

Question 14. Case Study. Read the following case study and answer all questions below.

A female employee returned to work from maternity leave her manager expressed his disapproval of her decision to express milk during work hours. She told them that she needed to express milk in order to have sufficient milk available to feed her baby. The manager responded with inappropriate and insensitive comments concerning her decision to express milk and return to work when she should be at home looking after her child and partner.

a. What Federal and State/Territory laws cover this scenario? What workplace policies would cover this scenario?
b. What matters should the manager have ethically considered?
c. Is this an example of indirect or direct discrimination?
d. Based on your answer for Q14b, what would make it the opposite form of discrimination? For example, if your answer above is direct, what would change to make it indirect discrimination.

Question 15. Do clients have the same legal and ethical rights and responsibilities as staff and management? Discuss your response. Answer in 50-100 words.


Section 1: Research Diversity
In this section, you are required to collect and evaluate quantitative and qualitative diversity data from internet related to community services. You are also required to identify and analyse the benefits of diversity in relation to existing workplace objectives and how current diversity practices match those workplace objectives.

Discuss the process you used to collect quantitative and qualitative diversity data in your workplace. Include in your response:
• the objectives for your data collection
• the leaders that you consulted with to ensure the process met workplace policies and procedures
• the consent/approvals process that you followed
• how and why you developed the tools that you used to gather the data.
Provide an analysis of your research findings. Include in your response:
• an analysis of the data you collected. This may include report style, diagrams, charts or infographics
• how your findings match the current workplace objectives?
• identify the benefits of changes to current diversity practices. Refer to current practices in Australia and take into consideration legal and ethical requirements
• a brief analysis the benefits you have identified
• at least one recommendation of change to the current diversity practices
• identify and recommend at least one professional development opportunity that the workplace could adapt to address gaps in meeting their workplace objects or increase the workforce social and cultural competence. Explain how the opportunity would need to be adapted.
• reference sources of external resources.

Section 2: Foster diversity
In this section, you will need to answer each question to demonstrate that you fostered diversity in your workplace.

Foster Diversity
Describe and give at least three examples of how you have modelled respectful behaviour in relation to diversity with other staff, clients or members of the community through your job role.
Describe how you have assisted and coached staff and clients in accepting or becoming more self-aware of diversity while promoting the benefits of social and cultural competence. Provide at least one example with a staff member and one with a client. Also include in your response how your actions match or support workplace policy.
Identify one or two of the diversity objectives in your workplace (your chosen organisation) and discuss how you have used diversity factors to address it with clients and colleagues. Give an example of both a client and a colleague. For example, one of the workplace objectives may be to provide flexible working arrangements and you may have worked with a staff member to put such arrangements in place.

Section 3: Adapt Communication Strategies
In this section, you will need to answer each question to demonstrate that you have developed at least one work strategy and undertaken planning activities and adapted your communication strategies to meet the needs of individuals in your workplace.

Develop, plan and communicate
Provide an overview of a work practice that you have developed and communicated to a wider audience (eg. management, colleagues, clients, external services). In your response address the following:
• a description of the work practice and who it was for (who it was being communicated to)
• an outline of the planning process
• how you took into consideration and demonstrated respect for diversity in your workplace
• an outline of the communication strategies that were identified and tailored for the targeted individual or group needs
• an outline of the communication tools that were identified and how they were adapted or developed to meet the specific needs of individuals
• a review of the communication strategies and at least one recommendation of how they could be improved
• collaboration is an important component of achieving objectives. Discuss who you collaborated with and how you encouraged that collaboration. Include your experience of the collaboration and what value you see in collaborating with others to achieve outcomes for diverse clients and colleagues.

Section 4: Contribute to Workplace Diversity Policies and Procedures
In this section, you will need to answer each question to demonstrate that you have contributed to the development and evaluation of diversity policies and procedures in your workplace.

Contribute to Diversity Policies and Procedures
Provide an overview of the diversity related policy and procedure that you have contributed to the development of. Include the following information in your response:
• the name of the policy and procedure (or new strategy) and a brief description of the context
• why the development was required. Was it a new document or a review/change of an existing policy or procedure?
• describe your role and responsibilities in the development of the diversity related policy or procedure.
• an outline of the key stakeholders and other people that were consulted or collaborated with, and the reason they were involved
• an overview of the process that was undertaken.

Describe how you personally advocated for the implementation of this new strategy (or policy or procedure).
Describe the measures that you developed to evaluate the outcomes of the implemented strategy.

Provide a brief report that outlines the evaluation and outcome of the implementation of this strategy. If a formal workplace report was written by you for this project you may include it as your evidence. Your report may include diagrams, charts or infographics.

Reference no: EM133562636

Questions Cloud

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Identify and analyse the benefits of diversity in relation : CHCDIV003 Manage and Promote Diversity, - Describe and give at least three examples of how you have modelled respectful behaviour in relation to diversity
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Describe how you personally advocated for the implementation of this new strategy (or policy or procedure). Describe the measures that you developed to evaluate the outcomes of the implemented strategy.

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