Reference no: EM133334254
You need a lab report based on the scenario provided.
Scenario: " You work for a Holistic Wellness Center in Fresno, CA. Many of your patients are vegan and frequent the local farmer's market to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables. An influx of patients complaining of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever coincides with a green onion recall leading you to believe your patients are suffering from food poisoning. You must determine what bacteria your patients are infected with, how they should be treated, and describe what preventive measures should be implemented, if any."
Based on the scenario symptoms and sicknesses, the two possible bacterias that may cause this sickness is either Organism (A) Listeria Monocytogenes or organism (B) Escherichia Coli.
Lab Report writing portion:
- The overall project was to identify an unknown organism. Tell me why that is important. What real-world relevance does this project have?
- Paraphrase your Case Study. Tell me who the patients are and what symptoms and/or illnesses they're experiencing.
- Give me sufficient background information about the bacteria ( Organism (A) Listeria Monocytogenes or organism (B) Escherichia Coli ) that can cause the symptoms/illness. Are they Gram + or -? Where are they commonly found? Do they live naturally in the human body? In the soil? Etc.
- You need a hypothesis statement about the bacteria causing the symptoms/illness. *You don't need to say, "I hypothesize." Just state it.
- Tell me how you will test this hypothesis. What experiments will you run to identify the organism causing the issues?
Methods & Materials:
- There should be a method written out for every test you ran. (for Organism A Listeria Monocytogenes, Tests are Gram staining, TSB and nitrate reduction) and (for organism B Escherichia Coli, tests are gram staining, SIM, and Glucose fermentation)
- There should be a rationale for the experiment. Why did you choose that test?
Ex 1: The catalase test was used to determine if the organism possessed the catalase enzyme.
Ex 2: The catalase test was used to differentiate between catalase-positive Organism A and catalase-negative Organism B.
- Remember this section should be written in the past tense with enough detail for someone else to replicate in the lab.
- There should be a paragraph describing the results without analyzing them.
- There should be a picture for every test you have in your methods section.
- All figures need a descriptive title and caption.
- There should be a paragraph analyzing your results. Which tests were positive and which were negative? What do these results mean?
- Did the data support your hypothesis? Walk me through how your tests got you to your organism.
- Remember, just like your Introduction, this section should have credible outside sources. You are backing up your data with information from journal articles and government websites.
- The last thing you want to discuss is a future direction for this project. How could you expand the project? What could you have done differently? What other tests or identification techniques could you use to find your organism?
At least 5 primary sources (journal articles and government websites).