Identify an organisation with product

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131176675 , Length:

Assignment - Chosen riliance industries and for second you can choose from general motors or ford motors referencing is harvard style

You are required to write a report with reference to at least 20 separate scholarly journal articles and your subject core text. This report will include the following headings:

1) Corporation Identification

a. Identify an organisation with product or service portfolios that span multiple business units.

i. In your discussion define, with reference to scholarly articles, the term "corporation".

ii. In your discussion define, with reference to scholarly articles, the terms "product portfolio" and "service portfolio".

2) Corporate Research

a. Business Unit Identification.

i. Identify the separate business units within the corporation.

1. In your discussion define, with reference to scholarly articles, the term "Business Unit".

b. Identification of Product and Service Lines.

i. Identify the separate product and service lines of the corporation.

1. In your discussion define, with reference to scholarly articles, the terms "product lines" and "service lines".

3) Corporation Revenue Centres

a. Identification of Revenue Centres.

i. Identify which product and service lines are creating the greatest revenues for the corporation.

1. In your discussion define, with reference to scholarly articles, the term "revenue".

4) External Environment Analysis

a. Identify the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal operating environments for each business unit.

i. In your discussion define, with reference to scholarly articles, the terms Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal.

1. Provide a definition of the term "operating environment".

5) Source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage

a. Identify the source of sustainable competitive advantage for each business unit.

i. In your discussion define, with reference to scholarly articles, the four factors of sustainable competitive advantage.

6) Strategic Direction

a. Make recommendations for the future strategic direction for the organisation.

i. In your discussion define, with reference to scholarly articles, the term "strategic direction".

Verified Expert

The solution is of approximately 2500 words and is done with Harvard referencing. The solution contains details about the General Motors. The topic covered under the solution ranges from GM Business Units to its Revenue centers to proposing strategic recommendations regarding the future strategic moves of the company. The report contains 20 scholarly articles references along with some other references.

Reference no: EM131176675

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8/22/2016 11:06:59 PM

i want to make two of these assignments for the first assignment i have chosen reliance industries and for second you can choose from general motors or ford motors referencing is Harvard style, include executive summery in this and the 2500 words is excluding references and this one Moreover i request for quality work specially in this assignment as it weighs more. The last assignment i got from you guys, i barely passed in that assignment, And make sure first assignment is based on Reliance Industries and second is either on Ford motors or General motors. If you have any query regarding then please ask me and these assignments require at least 20 Harvard style reference so place take that in consideration

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