Reference no: EM133288659
Part 1:
1. What types of assessments, pre-employment tests, and interviews would you consider the most valuable for evaluating candidates for open positions in your organization or in an organization you are familiar with?
2. Explain why you consider them to be valuable.
Part 2:
Is it acceptable for employers to use information gathered from social media to evaluate candidates and make selection decisions? Why or why not?
Part 3:
1. What can a firm do to limit the financial impact of bias?
2. Drawing on your own experience, what can your current employer or a previous employer do to limit the effects of bias on their bottom line?
Part 4:
How should a firm go about addressing such biases in order to limit their effect on the bottomline?
Should a firm go as far as making diversity, equity and inclusion part of a department's goals and a part of what their performance is measured on? Please explain.
Part 5:
An inspirational healthcare leadership quote that emulates how you are or aspire to be as a leader. then add a couple sentences on how it relates to your current/desired leadership style.
Part 6:
Identify an information security technology that is currently in place in your current or past workplace (alternately, find a technology policy online). Post a link to this policy and discuss what you believe are the reasons behind its components.
Part 7:
Although the HIPAA Security Rule protects ePHI and therefore focuses a great deal of attention on technology-based mechanisms that safeguard information, its administrative safeguard standards are equally as important. In fact, they comprise over half of the HIPAA security requirements. Dr. Hoffman, who co-owns a physician practice with several other physicians, realizes this. He also knows that a reliable and well-trained workforce is at the heart of a solid security program. He has recently hired you as his security officer. One of his priorities is ensuring workforce compliance.
What safeguard standard (and implementation specifications, if applicable) do you think you should address first? Why?
The second implementation specification under the workforce security safeguard standard is the development of workforce clearance procedures. What will you include in such procedures?
On the day you begin your duties as the security officer, Dr. Hoffman's office manager informs you that one of the clerical staff, Ruby, will be terminated next week. There are some concerns about protecting electronic PHI once Ruby is informed of her termination. You look for the organization's termination procedure. There is none. You know you need to write one quickly. What will you include in it? What steps will you take to be sure your ePHI is protected surrounding Ruby's (or any other employee's) termination?
Security awareness and training is one of the Security Rule's safeguard standards. Discuss the implementation specifications and how you will apply these to educate the workforce in this medical practice.
There is no protocol in place for handling security incidents such as unauthorized attempts to access patient information. Use the Security Incident Procedures safeguard standard and its implementation specifications to outline what you will include in your policies and procedures.
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