Identify an individual to interview

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131473582

CHAPTER 4 - Job Analysis

In chapter 4, we discussed Job Analysis, as part of the HR function. This functionality follows us in later chapters.

For this chapter homework:


a. Identify an individual to interview. It can be a family member or relative, or outside the circle of friends and family;

b. The interview should be thorough. Ask about their job title, department, seniority... etc. list whether this individual supervises others, and where they stand in the company hierarchy.

c. Ask questions that would help you identify the list of activities they do during their work hours.


a. From part 1, write a job description for the interviewee;

b. You may use your own job interview template OR use the one in the book/PowerPoint slides.


Research the company in which the interviewee works, its mission, vision, and perhaps its strategic goals. In your own words, link the interviewee's job and functions with the mission/strategy of the company.


1- This assignment is INDIVIDUAL work. Any similarities in work would result in an F for the work;

2- Homework is typed, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman. Cover page must include name, ID#,homework 1 assignment, section and date;

3- You may look for newspaper or online articles to support your claim. Remember, your analysis must be your work;

4- Make sure you include your ORIGINAL interview notes in your report;

5- Make sure to write the interviewee contact information;

Reference no: EM131473582

Questions Cloud

What is the lanham act explain : Tommy Larsen, a Danish citizen, produces aesthetically pleasing functional objects, such as furniture. Larsen designed a compact disc holder called the "CD 25".
Write the expression for npv using the unknown : Consider the following cash flow [-100, + 230, -132]. We want to decide under what range of discount rate this is an advantageous investment.
Adverse consequences of unions handbilling-banner activity : What actions would you recommend the secondary employer involved in this case take to minimize any adverse consequences of union's handbilling-banner activity
Write a paper on disney cruise line : Write a paper on disney cruise line -  Start by naming the major companies in the industry and the market share of each.
Identify an individual to interview : Identify an individual to interview. It can be a family member or relative, or outside the circle of friends and family;
Should synygy prevail : Synygy, Inc., produces Information Production and Distribution Systems, a software program that enables the user to integrate data from different sources.
Experience the work on a deeper level : What could you suggest to that person that would allow them to experience the work on a deeper level?
Review the case of telebrands corp : Telebrands Corp. produces infomercials for television and distributes the products advertised on the commercials in retail stores.
Banking using a standardized approach : Outline how the proposed Basel 4 capital changes will affect Australian banks - particularly those using AIRB approach


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