Identify an example of a statistical research finding

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131070127


Identify an example of a statistical research finding in a mainstream media outlet (newspaper, magazine, broadcast television, etc.) and then locate the actual study or peer-reviewed journal article that served as the basis of that media report.

Based on the information provided in the mainstream media report and the original research study, please answer the questions below:

1. The research question(s) and hypotheses

2. The independent and dependent variable(s).

3. Describe the overall design of the study (sample size, methodology, etc).

4. Summarize and evaluate the conclusion of the study author(s).

5. Identify any pertinent information regarding the actual study that was excluded from the mainstream media report.

The paper should be 3 pages long, double space.

Reference no: EM131070127

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