Reference no: EM133542654
For your project, you will create two versions of the same paper, an analysis of a written work. In the first version, you will explain the writer's choices in relation to genre, audience, purpose, and subject. You will also write about the core idea of the text as well as the details that support it. To create this first version, revise the draft you wrote earlier in the course using the feedback you received from your instructor. Your instructor will evaluate this version based on your analysis of the text and on how you use evidence from the text to support it.
For the second version, you will adapt what you have written to a different audience and writing situation of your choice. This means making changes throughout your paper to adapt your writing style and conventions based on the needs of the audience and situation. Therefore, you will use the first version of your paper as the foundation for the second version. Your instructor will evaluate this version based on how you adapt your writing.
Specifically, you must address the following:
Part I: Analysis of a Written Work for a First Audience
In this section, you will analyze a written work and explain some of the writer's choices. This is the first version of your paper. The audience for this version is the one you addressed in the draft you wrote in Module Five. This part of your project should be about 1 to 2 pages long.
A. Identify the topic of the text.
B. Explain the writer's choices in relation to the genre of the text.
C. Describe the writer's purpose.
D. Explain the writer's choices in relation to the audience, purpose, and/or subject of the text.
E. Determine the historical and/or cultural context of the text.
F. Articulate the core idea of the text.
G. Summarize details of the text that are relevant to the core idea.
H. Support your analysis of the core idea with evidence from the text.
a. Include at least one quote from the text.
b. Explain how this evidence supports the core idea.
Part II: Analysis of a Written Work for a Second Audience
This is the second version of your paper. In this version, you will first choose and describe the new audience and writing situation. Then, you will revisit the first version of your paper and make changes to it to adapt your writing style and conventions.
Identify a new audience: Before you get started with your second version, choose a new audience and writing situation by addressing the following items in a few short paragraphs:
A. Identify an audience for the second version of your paper.
a. This audience must be different from the one you addressed in the first version of your paper.
B. Describe the needs of that audience.
C. Describe the needs of the writing situation for the second version of your paper.
a. Choose a writing situation different from the one you addressed in the first version of your paper. Then, describe the needs of that writing situation.
Second version of the paper: Now, revisit the analysis you wrote for the first version of your paper. Make changes to it based on the needs of the audience and writing situation you described in the previous section. This part of your project should be about 1 to 2 pages long. Specifically, do the following:
Adapt your writing style based on the needs of your audience.
Adapting your writing will require you to make a significant number of changes. While the core idea of your paper will remain the same, the style that you use to communicate it to your audience will be different. Additionally, the changes you make should be consistent throughout the paper.