Identify an attribute selector that recognizes groups

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131777743

Question 1
An additional factor in applying a style sheet is that properties are passed from a parent element to its children in a process known as style inheritance.


Question 2
Saturation measures the intensity of the chosen color and ranges from 0% (no color) up to 100% (full color).


Question 3
A pixel is a relative unit because the actual rendered size depends on the density of the output device.


Question 4
Hue measures the brightness of a color and ranges from 0% (black) up to 100% (white).


Question 5
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) allow RGB values to be entered as hexadecimal numbers.


Question 6
To access and load a web font, the @font-face rule should be added to a style sheet.


Question 7
In addition to the W3C-supported style properties, most browsers supply their own extended library of style properties, known as browser extensions.


Question 8
RGB triplets can describe 2563 (16.7 million) possible colors, which is a greater number of colors than the human eye can distinguish.


Question 9
Leading measures the amount of space between characters, while tracking refers to the amount of space between words.


Question 10
Writing a style rule on a single line saves space, but entering each style property on a separate line often makes a code easier to read and edit.


Question 11
Embedded styles are directly applied to specific elements using the style attribute.


Question 12
One approach to retain the consistency of web page text is to use absolute units, which are expressed relative to the size of other objects within the web page.


Question 13
A color value is an alphabetic expression that represents the intensity of the primary colors.


Question 14
One advantage of user-defined style sheets is that they make the web more accessible to visually impaired users who may require larger fonts or the absence of clashing color schemes.


Question 15
A decimal is a number expressed in the base 16 numbering system rather than in the commonly used base 10 system.


Question 16
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) allow RGB values to be entered as _____.
a. hexadecimals
b. WYSIWYG values
c. binaries
d. RBG values

Question 17
The default value for both kerning and tracking is _____ pixels.
a. 8
b. 5
c. 2
d. 0

Question 18
Case-Based Critical Thinking Questions

Case 3-1

Alex's woodworking shop is trying to design a web page with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Alex would like create the new design based on the latest elements and styles from Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and CSS. He has created a few sample pages:


---describes the business and contact information


---displays a list of product descriptions


---displays a list of custom products

Alex's product style rules can be imported into a single file by adding the command _____.
a. @import url (product.css);
b. @import (type: css url: product);
c. @import css (product.css);
d. @import url (css.product);

Question 19
The _____ statement must always come before any other style rules in a style sheet.
a. !embed
b. @import
c. !import
d. @embed

Question 20
Identify a rule that should be added to a style sheet to access and load a web font.
a. @font-face
b. @charset "utf-8";
c. font-style: type;
d. aside: {font-family}

Question 21
A(n) _____ represents a single dot on an output device.
a. element
b. link
c. icon
d. pixel

Question 22
Identify a padding property used to set the width of the padding space.
a. padding: style;
b. padding: font;
c. padding: size;
d. padding: pixel;

Question 23
Case-Based Critical Thinking Questions

Case 3-2

Terry is building a web site and wants to have three main links called Home, Product Info, and Contact Us. She will create a hierarchy of page elements and revise the style sheets.

In this case, the Home page contains two _____ elements.
a. child
b. sibling
c. descendant
d. parent

Question 24
A _____ element is an element that contains one or more other elements, which are called child elements.
a. parent
b. family
c. descendant
d. sibling

Question 25
Case-Based Critical Thinking Questions

Case 3-1

Alex's woodworking shop is trying to design a web page with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Alex would like create the new design based on the latest elements and styles from Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and CSS. He has created a few sample pages:


---describes the business and contact information


---displays a list of product descriptions


---displays a list of custom products

Alex had forgotten to give any style for all of his pages. In this case, identify the style that would be applied to his pages.
a. User defined style
b. External style
c. View render style
d. User agent style

Question 26
The _____ unit is the preferred style unit for web page text because it makes it easy to develop pages in which different page elements have consistent relative font sizes under any device.
a. in
b. em
c. ft
d. en

Question 27
In the hexadecimal numbering system, the number 16 is expressed as _____.
a. F
b. 1F
c. 1
d. 10

Question 28
_____ measures the brightness of a color and ranges from 0% (black) up to 100% (white).
a. Hue
b. Darkness
c. Lightness
d. Saturation

Question 29
_____ is the tint of a color and is usually represented by a direction on a color wheel.
a. Saturation
b. Lightness
c. Hue
d. Darkness

Question 30
Decorative opening and closing quotation marks can be inserted using the _____ property.
a. type
b. label
c. deco
d. content

Question 31
The style rule
* {color: blue;}

uses the asterisk (*) selector-also known as the _____ selector-to select all elements in a document.

a. wildcard
b. text
c. object
d. character

Question 32
_____ measures the amount of space between words.
a. Kerning
b. Dithering
c. Pacing
d. Tracking

Question 33
A general rule for printing is to use _____ fonts for headlines and serif fonts for body text.
a. monospace
b. fantasy
c. sans-serif
d. cursive

Question 34
Case-Based Critical Thinking Questions

Case 3-2

Terry is building a web site and wants to have three main links called Home, Product Info, and Contact Us. She will create a hierarchy of page elements and revise the style sheets.

If Terry decides to select all elements belonging to the main class, he should use the _____ selector.
a. main[href]
b. p.main
c. .main
d. #main.intro

Question 35
Identify an attribute selector used to select an element based on its class value.
a. elem.class
b. class: .intro.elem
c. class *elem
d. elem#class

Question 36
_____ units are specified in one of five standard units of measurement.
a. Absolute
b. Standard
c. Uppercase
d. Relative

Question 37
Yellow has the RGB triplet _____.
a. (255, 0, 255)
b. (0, 255, 255)
c. (0, 0, 0)
d. (255, 255, 0)

Question 38
Which of the following rules defines character encoding in every Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) document?
a. &char="encoding";
b. &char "encoding";
c. @charset="encoding"
d. @charset "encoding";

Question 39
A _____ is a classification of an element based on its current status, position, or use in a document.
a. pseudo-class
b. pseudo-element
c. pseudo-style
d. pseudo-text

Question 40
Another type of pseudo-class is _____ pseudo-class in which the class can change state based on the actions of a user.
a. unstructured
b. dynamic
c. static
d. structured

Question 41
Which of the following properties is used to control the casing of text within an element?
a. font-variant
b. text-align
c. font-style
d. text-transform

Question 42
Extending the first line of text to the left of a text block creates a _____ indent.
a. leading
b. kerning
c. tracking
d. hanging

Question 43
Each child element may contain children of its own and so forth down the hierarchy, creating a set of _____ elements that are all descended from a common parent.
a. sibling
b. parent
c. descendant
d. child

Question 44
Identify a property used to align text horizontally.
a. align-text: horizontal;
b. horizontal-align: alignment;
c. text-align: alignment;
d. align-text: baseline;

Question 45
Color values using the HSL model are described in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 3 using _____.
a. #redgreenblue
b. hsl (hue, shadow, lightness, opacity)
c. rgb(number)
d. hsl (hue, saturation, lightness)

Question 46
_____ units express font size according to the size of other objects within a web page.
a. Relative
b. Output
c. Standard
d. Absolute

Question 47
Identify an element used for quoted material.
a. a
b. content
c. q
d. wbr

Question 48
The @import rule has the same impact as adding multiple _____ elements to a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) file.
a. link
b. integrated
c. connection
d. contact

Question 49
Case-Based Critical Thinking Questions

Case 3-2

Terry is building a web site and wants to have three main links called Home, Product Info, and Contact Us. She will create a hierarchy of page elements and revise the style sheets.

To apply a style to all elements in a document, Terry should use the _____ selector.
a. *
b. +
c. f
d. e

Question 50
Identify an attribute selector that recognizes groups of elements that share a similar characteristic or property.
a. id
b. pseudo-element
c. list-style-position
d. class

Reference no: EM131777743

Questions Cloud

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Illustrate the trade balance at the equilibrium level : Draw representative graphs of the goods market and net-exports. Draw your graphs to illustrate the trade balance at the equilibrium level of output.
Identify an attribute selector that recognizes groups : Identify an attribute selector that recognizes groups of elements that share a similar characteristic or property - units express font size according
Calculate the future value of the next best alternative : You are considering installing all new compact fluorescent light bulbs in your house. Your initial investment in the light bulbs will cost a total of $400.
What elements should a designer or manager include : What types of items should you incorporate into an organization's brochure?What elements should a designer or manager include when developing a brochure?
List five interventions to address the global social problem : Discuss the Human Trafficking: Policy Perspective and Interventions. List at least 5 interventions to address the global social problem.
Can you re-create hydrox through a name change : Can you modify the original formula to make something new and more competitive? Will a brand extension work here? Why or why not?


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