Identify an animal that has voltage-gated sodium

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133264119


You identify an animal that has voltage-gated sodium channels that have many gating particles and close only when the membrane reaches Vrest, and voltage-gated potassium channels that have few gating particles and N-type inactivation. Both ion channels open with hyperpolarization (i.e. membrane potentials more negative than Vrest). Assume ion concentrations are similar to normal mammalian neurons (High K+ inside; High Na+ outside) and that Vrest is positive (close to ENa).

a. Describe/draw what you expect the currents will look like if you hyperpolarize the membrane potential.

b. Describe/draw what happens to the membrane potential as a result of activating these currents.

c. If ion concentrations are similar to that of a typical mammalian neuron, what might account for a positive Vrest?

Reference no: EM133264119

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