Identify an alternative strategic market analysis model

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131706541

Must read the following articles before doing the paper :

1. Dolan 2014 : A more current perspective (Dolan, 2014)

2. Dass and Kumar ;  Bringing  product  and  consumer ecosystems  to  the strategic  forefront By Mayukh Dass,Shivina Kumar.

3. McGraw-Hill, 2012 : Marketing Plan Coach’s (2012)

Five Cs of Analysis

Dolan (2014) identifies the five Cs of analysis: customers, company, collaborators, competitors, and context. This represents a simplified yet integrated approach to undertaking a strategic assessment of the capabilities and the readiness of an organization's marketing success.

Over time, many great ideas and models are developed, only to be replaced by something newer (and perhaps better). the traditional situational analysis (McGraw-Hill, 2012), a more current perspective (Dolan, 2014), and a somewhat more narrow focus (Dass& Kumar, 2014).

To remain current (and relevant), marketers need to understand the implications and possible new learning that can be extracted from being aware of new perspectives.


Identify an alternative strategic market analysis model from other sources. Write a summary of the model and explain what additional value this model could provide.


1. One Page, 12 point font Times New Roman, APA 6th edition format and APA citation rules, written in complete sentences and essay form

2. Reference page with in-text/parenthetical citations in the body

3. Graduate level academic scholarly writing.

4. At least 2 references in APA format.

Reference no: EM131706541

Questions Cloud

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