Identify an activating event and irrational belief

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133327794


Cognitive therapies are based on the idea that it is the way that people think about events that elicit anxiety and stress instead of the actual events themselves. According to Ellis, if you can identify many of the unrealistic beliefs you have, then perhaps you can change them into more realistic goals and experience greater self-acceptance. Identify and describe an example of the ABC model used in REBT, by applying this model to your own life. Identify an Activating event (I got a D on my test), Irrational Belief (I'll never get into SDSU now), Emotional Consequence (I'm very sad), Disputing the flawed belief (It's only one test), and an Effective new philosophy (I'll study harder for the next test and raise my grade in the class).

Reference no: EM133327794

Questions Cloud

Do you think companies have an ethical responsibility : Do you think companies have an ethical responsibility to offer solutions for employees that will help reduce stress?
Aspects of sport should be integrated with accommodation : How do we decide what aspects of sport should be integrated with accommodation vs. providing separate opportunities?
What constitutes strategic leadership : Find one journal article that discusses strategic leadership or ideas for innovation and strategy development for leaders.
Define stress : To explain stress to this alien, 1) define stress, 2) provide examples of at least two stressors, and 3) suggest at least one biological component.
Identify an activating event and irrational belief : Identify an Activating event (I got a D on my test), Irrational Belief (I'll never get into SDSU now), Emotional Consequence (I'm very sad).
Explain the theory of embodied language : Explain the theory of "embodied language". Explain why you think it makes sense or if it does not make sense.
What characteristics would the therapist need to possess : Many Christians would feel more comfortable seeing a counselor who also has a Christian background. Is there a "Christian" response to psychotherapy?
Types of extreme behavioral change programs : Do you believe these types of extreme behavioral change programs meet the ethical standard of not being "cruel and unusual punishment?" Why or why not?
What is unique about cyberdeviance and cybercrime : Why is its potential for social damage perhaps far greater than any of the other forms of deviance we have studied?


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