Identify all of the lines of code within the program

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13810402

Assignment 1 - Development of a Simple Menu Driven Program

Part A - Code Comprehension

Your task is to first answer some questions testing your comprehension of the partial solution. Use the sample code provided in to answer the following questions. Include the answers in your assignment submission.

1. The code provided does not contain any comments.

a. Briefly explain why comments are important in code.

b. Update the code provided to include comments - include a copy of the commented code starter code in your assignment submission.

2. Identify all of the lines of code within the program that are associated with obtaining user input. This can be done by either copying the lines into your answers or highlighting the lines within the code.

3. The variable finished should be used as the condition for the while loop.

a. Briefly explain the purpose of the variable finished.

b. What value will it have when the while loop is initially entered?

4. Run the program. When the menu is presented enter 2 as the selected item.

a. What is the output of the program to the console? Why are all the values 0?

b. Briefly explain how would you should alter the code below so that it displays an appropriate prompt, rather than "Enter Response 1" for each loop:

case 1: System.out.println("Menu selection 1");
for(int i=0;i<surveyResponses.length;i++){
System.out.println("Enter Response 1");

5. Identify the lines that would need to be altered so that the menu is controlled by a do-while loop rather than the while- loop and provide the new lines of code required

6. Currently a switch-statement is used within the program to handle the different menu options. What other program structure could have been used?

7. Run the program.

a. use the following table to test the code provided:

b. Briefly outline the changes would you would need to make to the program so that it handles the menu entries correctly and exits the program when the user enters menu selection 4. Note: You do not need to make the changes in the code for Part A.

8. With the program an array has been used to store the data. Currently the code has two lines declaring the array, one that has been commented out.

a. Briefly explain both of the lines of code used to declare arrays.

b. Briefly explain why the programmer would include the declaration that has been commented out.

Part B - Program Analysis, Implementation and Development

It is suggested that you design, implement and test each of detailed below in order - completing each section completely and correctly before proceeding to the next. For each stage, with the exception of stage 1, you should:

1. design a solution in the form of pseudo-code to carry out the required task - include this pseudo-code as part of your project documentation, clearly indicating which stage it belongs to;

2. perform a desk check of your logic - if you find any problems with your pseudo-code you should redesign and retest;

3. implement the stage - update the code so that it implements the algorithm you have designed - at the end of each stage listed below save a copy of the code that has been developed and name each file appropriately;

4. test the stage - ensure that before moving onto the next stage of development that the program works and that there are no logic or runtime errors

Your code should use appropriate programming standards and be well documented/commented. You are permitted to discuss the sample program with your peers in order to understand it. However, you must ensure that you complete this section individually. It is expected that no two students will have the same program.

Part C - Testing

You should be testing your program as each stage is completed, and again once the program is complete. You should document the testing data, process and results (e.g. in the form of a table) and include this within your project documentation. Your mark for this section will reflect the thoroughness of your testing and the quality of your documentation.


Reference no: EM13810402

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